Chapter six: The choice i make

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Chapter six:

I sat down at the table with Nico. Everyone was whispering and giving me weird looks.

Apparently, Zeus, Poseidon and Hades didn't have as many kids as they did back in the day.

Ashely nudged me and blinked her bright blue eyes up at me.

"I know girl, I don't like it either." I muttered. The whispering, the pointing, everything. I might as well be back at school.

"Just ignore them Brooke." I looked up at Nico.

"They always need something to gossip about." Someone behind me cleared their throat and I looked up at them.

"Perseus, I suggest you go back to you table. Mr. D wouldn't like you out of your seat." He frowned.

"Okay, one, don't call me that. Two, I know what you two are doing." Wow, he was smart enough to figure it out? did it take him this long?! Wasn't he in the throne room with us?!


"And I think it's a bad idea." My eyes flew opened and my vision went dark.

I saw my father in some sort of garden. He was planning something.

Over to the side, there was a picture of my mom and I.

My father (in the body of Luke something) looked over at me.

"You will bring the end of the kingdom."

I blinked and the vision faded. I looked back up at him.

"It better then telling everyone I'm a demititan."

"I thought it was demigod." I facepalmed. How my father failed to kill this guy, I have no friggin clue.

"Just sit down Percy." The wind rustled the trees and Perseus walked back over to his table. Ashely looked around, moving closer to me and wrapping her tail around my leg.

"Campers!! It is time for the sing-along!!" Most kids cheered while I leaned closer to Ashely.

"What is it girl." She let out sort of a mix between a whimper and growl. Something was wrong.

"Chiron!!" A redhead girl named Rachel Elizabeth Dare ran over. She was the current oracle....which was somewhat good news.

"What is it?" Annabeth asked, running over.

"I-." The oracle took over, and green smoke poured out of her.

" Light, Piercer, Ruler and Knowledge

Shall bring back the Golden age

Lead by the child of time

One will fall, all will parish." Rachel fell to the floor and Ashley growled. Rubbing her head, I thought about what I just heard.

Demi-children.....half children. That meant demigods, nature sprits.....

Or others like me.

Light, Piercer, Ruler and Knowlege.......those were the people we had to find first.

I flicked my hand, freezing everyone around me. Well, almost everyone.

"Where are you going?" Nico asked.

"On a quest. I have my prophecy. I know...somewhat what I should do." I climbed on Ashley's back.

"Let me come. Three normally go on a quest."

"I'll have my three once I find the others." Nico frowned.

"Others?!" I nodded.

"Other....demigods. Like me." I lied. Nico's frown deepened.

"But your not a demigod. And you don't even know what the prophecy means!!"

"And you do?!" I asked, giving him a challenging glare.

"I can help you figure it out!!"

"And what, have you marked as a traitor? Zeus said I had to prove that I wasn't a bad child, but why does it matter when he's going to kill me anyway?!"

"Brooke, if you stay here, then you can still go on the quest!! I'll convince Chiron to let you go!!"

"Because he just listens to whatever the son of Hades tells him to do?!!?"

"The longer you stay here, the longer you get to live!! What if Zeus just blasts you and your dragon out of the sky?!" Thunder rumbled overhead and I sighed.

"Fine. But I'm leaving if I don't go on the quest." Nico nodded.

"Agreed. Now can you freeze everyone?" I sighed, flicking my hand, before nudging Ashley to take off. She only flew me to my cabin, but I didn't mind. I just needed to think.

The prophecy was kind of.......straight forward, surprisingly enough. I just needed to figure out who Light, Piercer, Ruler and knowledge were.

I highly doubt Athena was Knowledge.....or Annabeth....or anyone here was for that matter. Something made me think that Knowledge was someone I wanted to find first, so they could help me find the others.

I was obviously time.....unless it meant one of the Olympians. But I doubt that too.

And then there was the fall and perish part. What exactly would perish? Camp? Olympus? Everyone on Earth? Earth itself?

Plus the golden age........what was the golden age?

Walking into the cabin, with Ashley following behind me, I collapsed on the bottom bunk, not really want to deal with whatever life was going to throw at me right now.

Unfortunately, I guess the Fates decided it was time I got some bad luck.

Yay!! Happy dance!!  I updated!! Woohoo!!

I tried on the prophecy, I'm not good with rhymes and stuff (I'm not Apollo) and I sorta made it up on the fly.

Anyway, vote comment and I hope you enjoyed my update.

Oh, and sorry it's short.

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