Chapter 4: Friends, Enemys, and Cabins

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Chapter 4

Now, being the daughter of Kronos, has it's advantages, and disadvantages.

Advantage: You don't get attacked by monsters 24/7 mainly because most of them work for Kronos.

Disadvantage: You still have dreams.

Advantage: You don't have them all the time.

Anyway, normally when I have dreams, it's about someone's past. Like the one I had last night. It was about Nico's past. You know the son of Hades I met earlier.

I looked around. I was in an a fancy hotel somewhere in the U.S. I couldn't quite guess where. I think it was Washington D.C. Anyway, on the floor were two kids playing. One boy, and one girl. I didn't know who the girl was, but I knew the boy was Nico. On the couch was a man and a women.

The man was Hades. God of the Underworld. The women, was named Maria Di'Angelo, Nico's mother.

They were talking. I couldn't quite make out what. All I got was that Hades was trying to convince Maria to move to the underworld with the kids. I believe that she was disagreeing.

Maria walked out of the room. Hades sat there for a moment, then sat up in panic. He put a shield around Nico and his sister, then ran to where Maria had just vanished, just as the room exploded. Everything went black.

When my vision came back, I instantly knew what happened. Zeus had tried to kill Nico and his sister, but failed due to the shield Hades put up. Instead he just killed Maria.

Everything went black once again.

Then white.

Hades was right in front of me.

"Hades." I said. The god raised an eyebrow.

"I would watch it Brooke." I smiled. Hades waved his hand, and a tv screen appeared with the scene that I just saw on it.

"As you can see, this is not the first time Zeus has killed an innocent." I nodded.

"Was he jealous?" The god shook his head.

"No. He was afraid. He's afraid that Poseidon and I are going to use our children to raise up against him. And he was afraid you were going to do the same thing."

"Well that's stupid." Hades chuckled.

"Never mind that. I have something to warn you about." I raised an eyebrow.

"Sooner or later, the campers are going to find out who your father is. Until then, I suggest you be careful." I instantly thought of Nico.

"Do not worry. Nico has been forbidden to tell ANYONE who you are. But, I would still be careful my sister." Hades started to walk away.

"WAIT!" I said. Hades stopped and looked back at me.

"Why are you being nice to me?" I asked. Hades frowned.

"Because I know what it's like to be cast out."

The dream faded.

I woke up to a dragon jumping on me.

"Ashley! Get off!" I could have swore that my dragon snickered. I groaned and pulled myself out of bed.

After I got dressed, grabbed my scythe, and crept back to camp unnoticed, ( I think) I looked around, looking for a place were I could eat.

"I guess we'll have to sit at the Hermes cabin today girl." I moved towards the table, but I was stopped by a certain son of Hades.

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