Chapter two: My Parents

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Chapter two

Now, I know what you're thinking. Ahh!! Kronos! Run for your life!! But he's not all that bad. To me, anyway, not when Gods like Zeus are running the world. Everything is relative I suppose.

I met my father when I was six. Earlier than when other demigods meet their parents. If you haven't guessed, Gods aren't necessarily good at the whole parenting thing.

When I was five, my mother died. At least, that's what I thought had happened, when I was young and naive and believed that accidents really did happen. After I had met my father, I learned the truth about her death. Accidents only happen to mortals; I wasn't lucky enough to be born a simple mortal.

I still wish I could go back in time to stop that day from happening.

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My mother was a kind women, from what I can remember about her. Nice smile, very caring nature. I have her brown hair, I believe.

It was September 16 when it happened. About 2:00 in the afternoon. A seemingly normal day, with a seemingly normal sky and with seemingly normal people. It wasn't normal enough.

"Mommy! Mommy! Where are we going!?" I cried, curious about our walk we were taking. She smiled warmly down at me, holding my hand as we walked.

"You'll have to wait and see Brooke." None of us noticed the sky getting darker, the dark clouds in the distance beginning to form.

"Mommy!!! What can't you just tell me where we're going!?"

"Because then it wouldn't be a surprise." She replied. We walked for a little while longer, with me pestering her about where we were going, and her just laughing and saying that I had to be patient.

That's when she noticed the sky. I didn't notice, for I knew nothing of the sky and it's cruel ruler.

"Come on dear. We can have the surprise another day." I looked up at my mother. Her normally happy face was clouded with worry, almost matching the dark storm clouds above us.

"Why mommy?"

"Because, look. It's going to rain." She said, pointing to the sky. I liked the rain, I think. I didn't mind the rain, but she was upset, so I listened to what she said.

"Okay." I followed my mother home without a word.

We never made it.

We were running, through, at the time I had no idea why. Running from...the rain? Rain cannot hurt you, there was no reason to run from the rain.

"Why are we running mommy?" I asked, stopping in the process. She let go of my hand.

"Because sweetie, we need to get home." She said. She took two steps forward, and her panicked smile, the one she put on to try and hide the terrified feelings, was the last thing I ever saw.

My mother got electrocuted.

It came down out of nowhere, and it hit my mother, her screams filling the silent area. And all I could do was watch, as the only person who ever loved me died.

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As for my father, I met him in a orphanage. Not very exciting, I know. Better an orphanage than running for my life from some monster, I suppose.

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I was in the orphanage, hiding in my closet. Yeah, I hid in a closet. Every time I was adopted, I was sent back. So the warden hid me in the background, so he wouldn't have to keep going through it. Which means this closet. I was expected to sit there, quietly, and not move a muscle, lest someone heard me. It was not a good feeling.

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