So Far Away [Naruto Sequel] Chapter 08

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Winds danced with the flowers around me, the rays of the sun teased me with their warmth. I let out a content sigh and closed my eyes, ready to let sleep consume me.

It was early in the day and I was sitting under a tree, it had only been a day since the announcement of Shizuka’s child and it had only been two days since we returned to Konoha. I stretched my legs and wiggled around a bit. I was trying my best to catch up on my much-needed sleep, but to no avail, I had woken up at the early hour of three A.M and decided to abandon Naruto’s apartment to try and rest under this lovely tree. It worked for a few hours, but once again, with a jolt, I had woken up at six o’ clock sharp.

And now I was having the internal conflict about whether or not I should get up or continue to lay here. I really needed to go visit Kakashi, my team and team Gai had brought him to the hospital as soon as we returned, and I couldn’t go with because of Ayame. As soon as I stepped past the gates of Konoha, she rushed up to me, and forcefully started dragging me away so we could go see Ryuu and Shizuka for their announcement. I groaned at the memory. It’s like that girl has a built-in timer or something; I couldn’t even blink before she appeared in front of me.

I swatted away at the memory and sighed once again. If I did get up, there was a chance there would be another mission, meaning there would be no more time to sleep…. This is too troublesome.

Another windy breeze passed by and my eye twitched slightly. I sound like Shikamaru. I barely even hang out with him and I sound like him—what would happen if I did hang out with him?

"Oh, here you are, Naomi." A voice called from beside me, causing me to snap my neck towards them. I winced and started to rub my neck. "Naruto and I were starting to wonder where you went off to…"

I frowned once I realized who it was. "Sakura, can you not ruin the peace for once—"

"We have a mission." Sakura interrupted and closed her eyes in annoyance towards me. "We’re also getting a new teammate to tag along for this mission."

"What? Why?" I demanded, now on my feet with my hands on my hips. "We already have Naruto, you, me and Kakashi."

"Kakashi can’t leave the hospital, he won’t be coming with us."

"Well, still, we have Naruto, you and me."

Sakura sighed and brought her hand up to her forehead. "Why are you so… difficult?"

I scowled at her and pointed my finger at her. "I am not diffi—"

"Just follow me!" Sakura cut me off again and grabbed my hand to drag me away to wherever.

It was a couple minutes of arguing before we finally reached our destination. "Good job, pinky. There’s no one even here."

"We’re just early!" She yelled back, her raised fist was aimed to my head and I dodged the incoming attack from her.

"Goodness, Sakura. Calm down." I said to her calmly before brushing off the imaginary dirt on me. "Someone might think you’re insane, and then what would happen? Neither Sasuke nor Naruto will love you then."

An angermark appeared on her head and fire burned in her eyes. "You’re the insane one!" I stuck my tongue out at her before looking away. "You’re probably bipolar, too…" She mumbled.

"Hey, don’t talk that way about the polar bears that way."


Hiding a smirk behind my hand, I laughed quietly at my own randomness. It didn’t take long for me to regain my composure and blink a few times at Sakura. "Hey, what’s this mission we have, anyway?"

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