Surprise Character Interview!

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Hey everyone! 

For all of you Leah and Kaleb fans who are just dying to know how the couple is doing and how they've been coping since everything that happened with Zach, the wait is over!

I've been asked to participate in Kelly Anne Blount's Wattpad Block Party Winter Edition III. And in doing so, I have answered some of those burning questions that I know a lot of you have about 'what happened to Leah and Kaleb?'

Well, fret no more! Simply go to the Wattpad Block Party book and find my post which is called LittleMinx94 Presents: Abuse in Romance- The proper approach.  Within the post are the Top Ten Reasons to read DOTF and a character interview between the lovely Leah and ever charming Kaleb! The book is called Wattpad Block Part Winter Edition III on @KelleyAnneBlount 's page!


Thanks, guys! I can't wait to see what you all think! 

And be sure to keep this book still in your libraries for whenever I have the news about publishing! You'll want to keep up to date on all of that news so you can learn when and how you'll be able to have your very own copy of this book in your hands to keep! 

So, stay tuned guys! 

Much love,


Character Interview questions for Leah and Kaleb from Behind Closed Curtains

Leah, what has been the most embarrassed you can ever remember being?

Leah: Well, I'm pretty sure having to tell Kaleb face to face that I had, um, dreamt about him in a very inappropriate way while I was with Zach takes the cake for most embarrassing moment to date.

What are your favorite physical features about each other?

Leah: Oh, god. I can only choose one? Kaleb, stop snickering! Um, I guess if I had to only choose one physical feature it would have to be... his eyes. Of course, I love his hair and broad shoulders and everything but, his eyes have always been special to me. From the very beginning, he could calm my nerves or panic attack with just one look. I could always tell he cared about me to some degree simply by how he would look at me.

Kaleb: You stole my answer, Peaches.

Leah: Oh come on, you can think of something better than that.

Kaleb: *sighs* Alright, since this one over here stole my answer, I'll change it to something else; it's not really a challenge to think of things I love about her body. I'm gonna have to go with... her lips. The way she smiles, her kisses, every word from her lips. Yeah, her lips are a definite winner next to her gorgeous eyes.

Leah, how have you been dealing with everything since we last encountered you in the book?

Leah: I've been taking it day by day. I still go to therapy twice a week and that helps a lot with channeling all of my anxiety into tasks that help me better myself rather than let the anxiety control my life like it used to. I still get nightmares... but Kaleb is always there whenever I start having one. Having Kaleb by my side this last year since everything happened with Zach... I couldn't have done it without him. He's been so patient with me and kind whenever I relapse back into that corrupt mindset that Zach put me in. Sometimes I have a hard time thinking I actually deserve someone like him but, he's always quick to shut down those thoughts and help me realize that we're both lucky to have each other and we both deserve the love and happiness we bring to each other.

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