Chapter 3

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I nailed it.

I nailed my audition and had been asked to come back at five o'clock for callbacks.

I practically skipped out of the audition room as I made my way out to the into to streets, the sun glowing brighter for me as I went to go grab a bite to eat before the callback, which was in less than two hours.

I found a quiet spot beneath a light, grey awning of a deserted looking coffee shop and sat myself down outside in an empty, black, wire-rimmed chair; the kind that would leave an imprint on your legs.

Setting my purse on the matching table with a 'thud', I took in a deep breath, relaxing myself back into the uncomfortable chair as my eyes flitted back and forth over the screen of my phone in my hand.

Callbacks sometimes went into the wee hours of the night and I had a set curfew. I knew that if I missed the curfew by even five minutes, it would result in far more than a stern talking to.

Hesitation held my thumb captive as it stuttered over the call button, knowing that the conversation could possibly end with consequences that were less than appealing to me.

Squeezing my eyes shut, I took in a deep, calming breath and without looking, pressed the call button.

"You know you're not supposed to call me while I'm at work," Zach's voice rang out on the other side of the phone seconds later, his voice deeply irritated.

"Hey, I'm really sorry about that," I answered back in an excited huff of air, the joy from my audition coming back and mixing oddly with my anxiety over this conversation.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong. Things are actually really good."

"Your thing go well?" 

"Yeah, it went really well. They, um, asked me to stay for a callback."

Silence hung over the line. I waited, my stomach churning with unease as I held my breath for his response.

A sharp sigh hit my ears and my eyes shut instantly, my face scrunching in dread for what was to come.

"How late?"

"Well, I don't even know if I'll be late at all. The callback is at five so I should be home before seven but I just wanted to call and let you know just in case it went later." My voice was meek and rushed as I spoke, trying to calm the beast before he felt the need to lash out and cause any damage.

"Don't try me today, Leah. I've got a lot of shit to do at the office and all I want is be able to go home to my girlfriend who has made a nice dinner for me and has it waiting for me when I get there. Is that too much to ask?"

"No, it's not," I replied, my energy deflating at once.

"No it's not," Zach agreed. "So do your callback but be home when I get there. You know I only put up with these plays until it starts to interfere and then you're done."

"I'll try my best," I said, all fight gone from my voice within seconds of starting the conversation.

"No. Don't try, Leah. Do."

And with that, the line went dead.

I was used to Zach's rejection, being told what to do and I practically lived in the land of defeat. After being beaten down so many times emotionally and physically by Zach, I had little to no fight left in me.

And that's the way he liked it.

So, as I walked back to the theater after sipping on a cup of tea and munching on a blueberry muffin for over an hour, I was mentally prepared for them to tell me thank you but no thank you.

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