Chapter 11

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We finally made it to the Rothchesters castle by which time it was nearly midnight. There was a moat around the castle and a drawbridge over the moat. As we walked over the drawbridge I looked down into the water and saw alligators swimming around with their mouths open.

As soon as we made it to the iron door a lady who had been watching us through an iron barred window (Mrs Rothchester) opened the door. She had curly hair down to her waist and wore very old fashioned clothed. She looked Michael up and down and said "Michael, a pleasure to see you again -I see you've brought friends with you".She clapped her hands happily saying "we don't often get visitors here" She waved a hand and gestured for us to come inside. The castle from the inside was spectacular - it had many big doors opening to several rooms and massive paintings and art everywhere. There was a boy standing behind Mrs Rothchester and he looked about 2 years older than us. He had black hair that was shaped into a point and brown eyes. Mrs Rothchester introduced him as Kevin. He saw Michael and said "long time no see, Michael the vampire! It seems you have brought friends".He looked at the rest of us, walked over and kissed Ashlee and Savanah's hands with a smirk on his face. Ashton and Calum looked angrily at him and growled. Kevin was still smirking, finding it hilarious and he walked over to me and also kissed my hand. Luke gave Kevin a disgusted look and told him to back off. Michael looked at the royals and asked "where is Amy? "They laughed and said "oh she is locked up somewhere in the house and we dare you to go and find her!".We then split up into groups. Ashlee with Savanah, Ashton with Calum and Luke and I. Michael went separately. Luke and I went upstairs, he in one room and I another. Luke told me to be careful. Next thing I know from out of nowhere Kevin put his hand over my mouth and told me not to scream', he pulled into the dark room and pushed me down. Tying my hands and mouth with duct tape.
I heard a noise which sounded like someone struggling to say something, then Kevin said "shut it Amy".My eyes opened wide as Kevin yanked the duct tape off my mouth and tried to kiss me as I screamed with pain. The door opened and it was Luke! He barged in just at the right time and saw what Kevin was trying to do. It must have been midnight because Luke shape -shifted into a vampire. He bit Kevin on the neck and rendered him unconscious. Shortly afterwards Calum, Ashton, Ashlee, Savanah and Michael came rushing in. They were in werewolf /vampire form.The werewolves picked Kevin up and carried him out. Luke untied me and I thanked him and hugged him, so happy to be rescued from the maniac.

I told them about the noise I heard earlier and we all rushed over to Amy. Michael quickly untied her and gave her a big hug. I introduced myself to her and as I did I noticed bruises and scars on her face and arms ,she had been badly beaten.The others all embraced Amy. I asked the others where the Rothchesters were and Calum said "we threw them to the alligators, sorry Amy! "Amy replied that she was ecstatic as this part of her sad life had come to a close.

Suddenly, a thought came to me. In all the trauma we had forgotten about the potion! I mentioned it to the group and we asked Amy if she knew where it was. She said it was hidden in a picture. She showed us which picture and we pulled it down. At the back there was a tiny capsule taped to the frame. We all took a sip and instantly our thirst for blood was quenched.

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