chapter 5

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We arrived at school and got off the bus. There was a guy standing in the bus parking lot who was shorter than Luke and had tanned skin. I noticed tattoos on both on both of his arms and a tattoo on his hand. He also had rocks coloured eyes that were a little bit brighter than Savanah's and he had black hair. As soon as Savanah's  and his eyes met they ran to hug each other. Everyone was making "awwww" sounds . They both gave the onlookers the death stare and told everyone they were just really close friends .Savanah eventually said "anyway this is Calum" . We introduced ourselves then Luke yelled "yeah, Savanah's boyfriend" .Savanah punched him and said "shut up!" .I laughed and Savanah glared at me and mouthed "I'm watching you" .I laughed again. Luke came up to me and said "at least someone around here has a sense of humour" .I blushed and the next thing you know we were holding hands. Savanah then started to tease us to get revenge on Luke and Luke said "at least we're not shy to exhibit our undying love for each other" and -you guessed it I blushed again.  We all went to the canteen and saw two guys standing there in deep conversation .One guy had a tattoo on his thumb and had pale skin with garnet-coloured eyes just like Luke and Ashlee's.  (This was getting weird). His hair was straw-coloured .The other guy was tanned and had a hint of yellow in his eyes. He also had a tattoo on his hand and brown hair. Ashlee ran up to him and poked him with her finger. They laughed. Luke was about to open his mouth when I put my hand across his mouth to keep him quit. Ashlee introduced us. The guy with colourful hair was Michael and the brown haired boy was Ashton. The bell went so we quickly checked our timetables to see what subject was first .I had homeroom with Luke and my first thought was 'great ,this is going to be interesting '.After  that I had Ashlee and Savanah for science and for the rest of the day we were all in the same class.               Afterwards  we all separated and then Luke grabbed my hand and said "I always get the pretty girls!" I smiled and slapped him and he said "what? " I replied "I always get the cheeky boys too! " We laughed as we sat down in a little room big enough for only four computers on tiny desks.        Homeroom finished and Luke showed me the science room. I found Ashlee and Savanah and we took our seats .As soon as I sat down they both asked me in whispers "how was homeroom?" I said "good thanks ". Ashlee asked "do you like Luke? " My cheeks went cherry red but I said "I suppose so".They laughed excitedly but then Ashlee whispered  something  into Savanah's ear and they both looked  sad. I asked what was wrong but they just smiled and said "nothing" .I then said to Savanah "do you like Calum ?" She said "yes "  . I turned my head to Ashlee and asked happily "and do you like Ashton?" she said "yes" with a sad smile. I asked "is everything OK? "but she said "we can't go out together ".I asked "why?" and she said "you will find out later......."

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