Chapter 6

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At recess we all sat down on a long bench. I was eager to find out about their eyes and skin colour so I asked "If you guys don't mind me asking, why are your eyes different colours to other people? "They all looked at Ashlee and Savanah. Savanah said "I guess it's time to tell her".I said "tell me what? "Savanah said "you probably think were crazy but a few years ago there was a royal family called the Rothchesters that lived here and we were their servents or as we called it 'slaves. ' They had a daughter called Amy who was the same age as us".Then Michael interrupted and said "she was the prettiest girl in town -or one of them anyway"(looking at us three three girls as he said it ). We couldn't help but blush. Michael continued "anyway Amy and I fell in love but when her parents found out they were not happy at all and they looked for a punishment for us. The punishment was turn me into a vampire. As soon as I left their house I felt the need to suck blood. I tried to control it but it was hopeless. I eventually started biting people and they became vampires soon after".A couple of weeks later things went horribly wrong. Some people got really obsessed with blood.,they started to crave meat and they turned into werewolves.                                Ashlee said sadly "that's why I can't go out with Ashton as it is against the curse".Ashlee and Ashton exchanged glances. Everyone looked very sad. I sat there in disbelief at first but somehow I knew it had to be the explanation for the mystery. I asked if there was a cure. Michael replied "yes, it's a potion that only the Rothchesters have" .I asked "how can we get hold of it? " Michael told me it was hidden deep in the forest and when I asked him how much time we had he said "if we go this Friday we will have seven days and once it gets to the eighth day the curse can't be stopped and you will turn into a vampire or a werewolf and we don't want that happening to you". I then said "alright so we go on Friday straight after school', everyone will need to bring camping gear". Then Luke grabbed my hand and said that I couldn't go with them as it was too dangerous but I told him I'd suffered worse and I couldn't afford to lose any more people that I cared about.

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