chapter 2

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At sunset we rolled into Rose Thorn Hollow and the first thing that popped into my mind was 'were the hell are we'? It was like a ghost town! There was no one in sight and I had shivers down my spine. All of a sudden Grandma yelled out in excitement "were here"! And before I knew it we had pulled into a cobblestone driveway leading to what looked like a very old cottage overgrown with weeds. About fifteen minutes later Grandma asked sarcastically "are you going to help me with the bags or are you going to sit and stare like a stunned mullet all night"? I quickly shifted focus and with a hop I got out of the car mildly embarrassed. I went around to the boot and was just about to grab the luggage when I heard two voices - They said "good evening" and with that I dropped my luggage with fright . I turned around and there were two girls, i'm guessing about my age, standing watching us. One of the girls wore glasses shielding rock- gold coloured eyes and her skin was quite tanned. Her hair was just past shoulder length, brown with purple highlights. The second girl had garnet - coloured eyes and her skin was so pale it looked like she had only spent 5 seconds in the sun. Her hair was chest length and black with blue highlights. The girl's eyes were like nothing I had ever seen before. The girl with the glasses said "Hello, are you new here? " My Grandma and I both replied "Yes"and the two looked at each other as if they knew something we didn't. The girl with the blue highlights in her hair asked politely if we needed help with the luggage. My Grandma smiled and said "Yes,thankyou , that would be very helpful".We grabbed the luggage and went into the house .The cottage was HUGE! The floor was marble with stone walls and in the entry was one giant wooden staircase. Grandma followed my glance and told me that my bedroom was up the stairs on the right so I should take new friends up to see it.

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