Chapter 8

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Friday morning finally arrived and as soon as the afternoon bell went we grabbed our bags and fled the school grounds.                          

Once we reached the forest it was starting to get dark. The trees were rustling and the forest had an eerie feel about it. Twenty minutes later we found a clearing and decided to set up camp.Our sleeping arrangements were :Ashlee and Savanah in one tent,  Michael and Luke in another Calum and Ashton shared a tent and lastly me - my friends said it was safer that way. 

The boys made a fire and from our esky we took marshmallows and jaffles and toasted them. After we'd eaten we all gave each other hugs and said "goodnight".Luke kissed me on the cheek and said in a phony English accent "goodnight my love".I laughed and went to sleep. I woke up in the middle of the night to a sound of growls, obviously coming from Calum, Savanah and Ashton. I lay still hoping they wouldn't come near me as they had obviously turned into werewolves!

I must have fallen asleep again because when I woke it was the crack of dawn. I got out of my tent and noticed werewolf prints all over the camp ground. I looked up with a smirk when I felt a hand on my shoulder. It was Luke, he said "good morning princess".I said "good morning my blood thirsty prince"We both laughed and I kissed his cheek. We then walked over to the fire which had something cooking on it. Calum,  Savanah and Ashton smiled and said "look what we caught last night" proudly displaying a huge pig sizzling away. I highfived them and sat down. Immediantly after breakfast we all got changed into fresh clothes and started to pack up camp.

An hour later we were on our way again,collecting firewood on as we walked. It started to rain and we all laughed and danced as the rain fell harder and washed our skins. We eventually sheltered under a tree and watched as the rain pelted down onto the forest floor. As soon as the rain eased which was around lunchtime,we grabbed our sandwiches from the esky.  Once finished eating we carried on walking. All of a sudden through the clouds the sun shone brightly and within seconds Ashlee, Luke and Michael were starting to burn along with their tempers!  So we got the umbrellas and gave them shelter they slowly calmed down.

A couple hours later it started to get dark and we set up camp again and made a fire. We huddled around the fire and ate kebabs. After dinner we told ghost stories but Savanah started cringing so Calum moved next to her, hugged her and told her everything was alright. Ashlee and Ashton continued swapping jokes about ghost stories .Luke and I were in our own world whispering sweet little nothings  to each other.Later we decided we were all exhausted from the day's trekking so we went to sleep.  Luckily it wasn't a full moon yet so I was perfectly fine.

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