Chapter 16 - Inside the Detention Room

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Chapter 16 - Inside the Detention Room

Mia's POV

"I can't wait to check out that ice cream parlor that you are saying Yuu!" I said excitedly as I return my books on my locker. Finally! Classes for today have ended. Perfect timing, I don't have any errands to-

"Ms. Sheehan, can I ask you a favor for today?" Ms. Nancy Stewart, the Principal of the school asked as she happens to be walking in the hallway and saw me. 

"Yes Principal Stewart, anything." I replied curtly. 

"I have an emergency at home, so I need to go home early and do some other errands. There are still some students on detention, so is it okay if you look after them for a while? It's only an hour left." she said as she glanced at her watch. "I'm sorry if it's so sudden."

Ohh. I spoke too soon. I made a quick glance towards Yuu as he leans on my closed locker door. He just gave me a nod saying that it's okay. I looked back at Principal Stewart. 

"Sure thing, Principal Stewart. I'll make sure to watch over them for today." I replied, smiling. 

"Thank you so much Mia! You don't know how much this helps me today." she said, giving me a genuine smile. "I have to go. I need to leave the school today as soon as possible. I'll talk to you soon for updates. Have a good day Ms. Sheehan!"

"You too Principal Stewart, take care as well!" I replied. With that, she went towards the direction of her office. 

"Sorry, your flight to the ice cream parlor got delayed for an hour. Please standby." Yuu joked in a flight attendant tone right after Principal Stewart is out of earshot. 

I slump my shoulders as I let out a sigh. "Duty calls. Such perfect timing..." I trailed. Goodbye ice cream dreams see you after an hour. 

"Hey guys, are we ready to go?" Patrick said, popping out of nowhere. His smile faded as he saw my not so happy aura. "What's wrong Mia, are you okay?" he asked in a concerned tone. 

"I'm fine. I still have to look after those students who are in detention right now. It'll take an hour before it ends. I'm looking forward to go eat ice cream..." I trailed, pouting. 

Patrick gave a small chuckle as he lightly pinched my left cheek. "You're so cute." he said. "Let's just wait after that then." 

Before I was about to react on his gesture, on cue, Yuu's phone rang. 

"Hello? Ahh yes yes. Uhuh... got it. I'll be there. Bye." Yuu said as he placed his phone back on his right pocket. 

"What is it?" I asked curiously. Patrick, who's beside me, is just quietly waiting for an answer. 

Yuu lightly scratched the back of his head. "Well... my mom needs a helping hand at the patisserie. For some reason our customers have doubled today so it's really busy..." he trailed. 

"Oh. So you have to go now?" I asked for confirmation. Yuu nodded in reply. 

"I have to go now Mia, I still have to help my mom. Guess, we shall just check out the ice cream parlor tomorrow?" 

I nodded in reply. "Sure. Your mom needs you now. That's more important. Plus, I still have to wait an hour before I can leave school. Let's just check it out tomorrow!" I said, smiling. With that, we gave our final goodbyes as he head outside. 

Sigh, goodbye ice cream dreams for real. So sad, I'm craving for ice cream right now. 

"Guess it's just the two of us for now." Patrick suddenly said. 

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