Interview With giraffesarecool

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Q: Tell us a little bit about yourself.

A: well... when i discovered wattpad, i decided i liked writing. i used to hate it. but now i really like it (: i love hanging out with my friends. its my favorite thing in the world. i like taking pictures of nothing in paticular. i have three cats, i hate watching tv, except ellen, shes amazing. (: i love one direction, and just listening to music.

Q: How did you discover Wattpad?

A: I discovered Wattpad from my two best friends. and im glad that they got me on it. (:

Q: What are some of the books you write?

A: I only have on book right now, its called A Summer In Florida, its kind of a romance story.

Q: What inspired you to start writing?

A: my two best friends inspired me to write. one gave me an idea, and then they both encouraged me to write. they pushed me, and told me im a good writer, even if my chapters are short. and i thank them both very much. (:

Q: What are your favorite top three Wattpad books?

A: this is easy, but in no paticular order.

1) Castle Wars.

 2)Get your head in the game

3) Surviving the lake boys

Q: What do you think of the What’s Hot list?

A: i dont look at it alot, but its pretty good.

Q: Does music help your writing in any way?

A: i always listen to music while im writing or reading, i dont know why, but its always something i do, i dont know if it helps in any way but it probably does.

Q: Have you inspired any of your friends to get Wattpad?

A: no i dont think. all the friends that are on wattpad inspired me to get it.

Q: Do you have anything you want to say to your fans?

A: i dont have many fans but i thank you for becoming my fans and reading my stories. and i hope in the future there are more fans to thank (:


So, giraffesarecool is a new writer on wattpad, but even more than that, she is one of my best friends. I asked if i could give her this interview because i was hoping that all of you that read this will go check her out. She is an amazing writer, and deserves to be discovered. Thanks guys,


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