interview with weirdenuff4u

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so heres interview 2 with weirdenuff4u (ha that rhymed!). private message me if you want an interview!

thanks    ~Sid


Q: tell us a little about yourself.

A: Wellllll...not much to tell! I am a teenage girl that lives in Florida. I'm straight ;), I play volleyball when I'm not writing, I live by the water, my best friend is a cheerleader, I LOVE Adam Lambert! (which is weird because I only like alternative rock, but whateves :P), my favorite food is peanut butter, I am in love with a guy that has strawberry blonde hair and gorgeous blue eyes and did I mention that I am in love with him??? Like...alot? <3, I am always the first to volunteer to cross-dress like a guy :), I love The Rocky Horror Picture Show!

Q: how did you discover wattpad?

A: I worship Google :)

Q: what are some of the books you write?

A: People Are Monsters is my most popular book, but in my opinion it is not my best written :) I think that my best story is probably Immecia, followed by How To Kill A Quarterback.

Q: what inspired you to start writing?

A: It's just a natural sort of thing. If I don't write, I have no way to express myself because I am a suffer in silence type. I am not very good at showing my emotions to other people because I feel vulnerable, so I write to let it all out.

Q: what are your favourite (top 3) wattpad books?

A: Amaranthine by LDCrichton, High School Scandel by xxWhoAteMyCookiexx, and all of the stories that my fans have dedicated to me :)

Q: what do you think of the whats hot list?

A: I don't think that it's nessecarily a bad thing, but it is kind of like favoritism because most of the stories on the what's hot list a poorly written. I am not saying this in offense to any What's Hot writers, (because my story is on WH) but some stories just aren't as good as some of the unrecognized ones. People are usually attracted by short chapters and easy writing, and usually those are good plots, but many lack detail. I think that it would be neat to have published writers give their opinions on our stories.

Q: does music help your writing in any way?

A: Alot actually! Immecia was inspired by the song Resistance by Muse

Q: have you inspired any of your friends to get wattpad?

A: Not really. I get pushed around alot for writing because everyone thinks it's stupid and nerdy, so I don't share my stories with anyone I know. Telling them to go on Wattpad would be like a ticket for them to read my writing.

Q: do you have anything you want to say to your fans?

A:  Only that I love them! Seriously, I have the BEST fans ever and if I could I would bake them cookies and massage their feet and buy them all of the crap that they want because they are so awsome and supportive, and those of them that only put my story in their library and don't fan me, I love them too! It's the thought that counts. <3 <3 <3 <3 Extra hearts for you all! And I am so grateful that you guys stuck with me through all of my personal issues and stuff that you had to suffer through with me :P


there it is! an interview with weirdenuff4u! thanks! private message me if u want an interview! thanks!


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