I Just Had To Fall In Love With The Vampire Royalties Golden Boy! [11]

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"So the royal family lets start there." Amber tells me once sitting me down in their living room, I take a deep breath and try to remain calm, but man I had no idea what I was in for.

"The King, Christopher Manyale, is the oldest of our kind. No one knows his true age accept my brother and his family off course." She says with a small smile and then takes a deep breath.

"Jay is the Kings first knight a positioned earned by our father and then earned by Jay, to be a knight you have to be of pure blood decent which we both are, our mother and father were both vampires." She says and I chose now to jump in.

"You can reproduce?" I say kind of shocked, in the stories they normally cant, Amber frowns.

"I guess im going to have to start from the beginning right?" She says and I raise both eyebrows at her condescending tone but nod my head any way and she claps her hands together, why do I feel im going to sleep well tonight?

4 and half hours later and my brain is going into information overload about vampires. The information just kept on coming, when I thought she was finished she would start on another story, and what surprised me the most was I could remember everything she said and sometimes I could even finish what she was saying. Off course not out loud, I remained stunned staring at her mouth wide, im sure it was a very attractive site.

"So that's about it for now, because you have to get ready." Amber says looking at her watch quickly, I raise an eyebrow at her and look her over. She's so human, but she's not. I understand now, she doesn't turn until she has reached 18 because she body needs to be in a state of adulthood for the change, and there's also a 30% chance she will reject the change. Because she is female its only 15% if she was a male. She didn't explain why.

"Right, ive got to go meet the king person right?" I say and she shakes her head with a small chuckle.

"You're going to make the palace fun." She says and I raise an eyebrow.

"Do I want to know?" I ask and she laughs and pushes me to the stairs and shakes her head. Amber has filled me in on the ways of the vampires but she says there are some things that she is not allowed to tell me, not the she doesn't want to that she cant physical cant. It's in their blood to be secretive.

Once we reached the top of the stairs Amber rushed me into what I presumed to be her room. It was bright purple and my eyes stung slightly at all of the bright colours, my face turned into one of awe to one of doom as I saw her opening what I though to be another room but no it was her closet.

"Im not your Barbie." I warn her as I take a step forward, she grins widely at me and shakes her head allowing her hair to shake in front of her face.

"Anyone who enters this room is my Barbie." She says and I take a step back and she places her hand on my lower back and pushes me into the room.

"Shit." I say under my breath and she laughs.

"Language!" She scolds and I roll my eyes, some times i wonder who is older her or me. She smiles at me before walking towards me where I step away, oh this is going to be hell.

1 and a half-hours later and Amber pushes me towards a mirror. Ive done nothing but complain and swear the whole time while Amber has blared music of sung loudly anything to drown out my complaints. She's also faster and stronger than me and yes im blaming it on the vamp genes.

"You look beautiful." She says her eyes wide and her face in awe, I snort, I know attractive right and turn to the mirror sharply where I loose balance and end up sitting on the edge of her bed.

In front of me is my reflection, but not one that I recognise. My hair is long and straight like usual but with a shine that makes my black hair look even darker. My face is smooth and my lips cheery red along with my cheeks. My eyes heavily coated in eyeliner and mascara I look like a doll.

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