I Just Had To Fall In Love With The Vampire Royalties Golden Boy! [10]

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"Amber maybe I should talk to Ashley alone?" Jacob says sending Amber a look, which she returns with a glare.

"No, you're an ass and will probably scare her, more than you already have." Amber snaps and I flinch at the way her eyes seem darker than usual. Jacob sends her a disgusted look, kind of like he can't believe she said that but doesn't press the issue that she should leave the room, I just sit here confused and curious.

"Fine, Ashley-" I raise my hand interrupting him, kind of in a mocking manner he raises and eyebrow and nods for me to continue.

"Thanks, I prefer Ash." I say narrowing my eyes as he narrows his, Amber stifles a giggle with her arm.

"Ash." He says lacing my name with disgust I nod my head smugly.

"As I was saying, I did bite you, and I should of." He says and I stare at him and Amber coughs awkwardly.

"That's it?" I say and he taps his hand on the table and nods his head looking back and for at the clock.

"Hell no, why did you bite me vampire boy?" I say and then it seems that everything in the room froze. Amber's jaw dropped and her eyes widened to the size of saucers and Jacobs face and body all stiffened. I furrow my eyebrows in confusion until my rational side caught up to me and I realized what was going on.

"Holy fuck." I say jumping up causing the chair I was sitting on to fall to the ground, I take to steps back from the table.

"Ash-" Amber says recovering herself from shock I shake my head and she stops talking.

"You fucking bit me!" I screech aiming it to Jacob who frowns.

"Yes we've gathered that." He says standing up I take another step away.

"Don't move." I say in the strongest voice I can muster, which is shit even to my own ears. He sighs and sits back down. I take the time to look him over he is pale but not deathly pale his eyes are dark but not too dark. None of the usual signs appear, usual? What the hell, the stories lied to me!

I switch my gaze over to Amber, her skin is a normal shade sure her eyes are weird but I have a feeling there's nothing supernatural about them. I gulp slightly; trying to sooth my nerves yeah it didn't work.

"You done freaking out?" Jacob says I look over to see he's changed in dress pants and a shirt with the top button undone. I raise an eye brow, when did he leave the room?

"Super speed, annoying right?" I turn my head to see amber looking up at me I cough.

"Are you one?" I say and she laughs.

"No." She says and Jacob looks at his watch I must say he looks very smart and well sexy. Shit, I bloody hope he isn't a mind reader. I should check. I want you in bed, now! Nothing not even a twitch not a mind reader then, I turn my attention back to Amber.

"But I was born one, you don't change until your 18." She says and I nod my head and then I feel confused.

"Don't worry, Amber is going to stay here and fill you in, whiles I have to go to work." Jacob says picking up his wallet and phone and slipping them into his pockets. I snort.

"Oh yeah what do vampires work as." I say and he narrows his eyes at me like I offended him.

"Im the kings first knight." He responds and my mouth snap open.

"King!?" I ask and Amber sighs and mumbles something about, a lot to be explained.

"Yes King, oh and about that request its going to have to be later, im going to be late for work." He says a small smirk playing at his lips as he walks out the room leaving me standing there with my mouth agape and a blush threatening my cheeks.

"You tried to see if he was a mind reader right?" Amber says pulling me away from the empty doorway, I turn to face her and nod dumbly.

"He is?" I ask and she nods her head.

"Come on, you've got a lot to learn! In only yikes! 6 hours." She says and I raise an eyebrow as she pulls me out the kitchen.

"Why what's happening in 6 hours?" I ask and she turns to face me.

"You get to meet the king." She says her eyes glistening. Crap.

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