I Just Had To Fall In Love With The Vampire Royalties Golden Boy! [4]

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Ashley Daniels point of view

4 hours later and my flat was completely tidied, it was hovered and dusted and cleaned I even cleaned the windows. The place looked amazing if I do say so myself. With only one problem, my door. I was un sure on how I was going to get the door back in place, I suppose I should of thought about it earlier I start work at 6 and its almost half 3 now, and I cant leave my flat with an open door that's like putting a neon sign above your head which reads 'Steal from me' stupid.

I take a deep breath trying to think up ideas but unfortunately I was coming up empty, I walked over the door and began looking at what the problem was. As much as I could tell now remember im a girl who use to rely on her big brother if anything broke as a child, I would say that the hinges needed to be reattached to the doorframe and that's about it. Problem is I have no idea how to do that.

I decided my best bet was to get ready for work so if the worst comes to the worst I wont have to waste time changing. I pick the door up which let me tell you wasn't as easy as it sounds. And place it in the doorframe so it looks kind of like it would be locked. I brush my hands together and bite my lip it's the best I can do for now. I head into the bathroom and turn on my shower, placing my hand in the shower checking the temperature of the water.

After twenty minutes the water was warm enough for me to step in to. As soon as I did I felt all of my muscles relax, the warm water fell down my body like a heavenly waterfall. Which was very short lived and the water began to cool down, I quickly shoved shampoo and condition in my hair and ran my fingers through it a few times before grabbing a sponge and applying shower gel and rubbing my body down at what felt like the speed of light. Just as I had finished the water turned freezing and I screeched slightly as it touched my bare back.

"Fuck!" I hiss to myself out of surprise, I jump out of the shower and rap a towel under my arms, I towel dry my hair whilst placing my clothes into the hamper, I notice a skirt and some sparkly top on my bath room counter and it takes me a minute to realize these must have been the clothes Amber was wearing, I bite my lip unsure as to if I should throw them away.

An hour later and my hair was dry and straightened and I was dressed in a tight white t-shirt and black shorts this time with leggings underneath, the weather is only getting colder closer it gets to the winter. As a snap decision I decided to wash Ambers clothes hoping I could get the blood stains out. Placing the clothes in the warm water I revert back to staring at my door. Which is still balancing against the doorframe, I sigh and grab my cell phone a dial Kyle's number he's the only friend I have who might have some knowledge of how to fix a door.

"Hey Ash." His voice says in some kind of breathless manner, I cringe at the thought of what I interrupted.

"Hey Kyle, I was wondering if you could tell me how to fix a door." I say completely aware of how dumb that question sounded. I hear him chuckle on the other end.

"You broke your door?" He says humour clear in his voice I huff.

"I didn't." I whisper to low for him to hear. "Can you help me or not?" I say down the phone not wanting to make an embarrassment out of myself.

"Sure, I start work at 6 though." He says and I nod my head, then realize dumbly that he can't see me.

"Yeah same." I say and he hhm's on the other side of the line.

"Ill be over in an hour, do you have a tool kit?" He asks the humour back in his voice I sigh dramatically.

"I actually do, so up yours." I say poking my tongue out in thin air. He laughs.

"Ever been used?" He says and my mouth snaps open.

"Shut up, get your ass over here and help me fix my door." I snap and he chuckles but hangs up the phone.

Ive known Kyle for 7 months now, he seems like a nice kid same age as me. He's a dad though him and his ex girlfriend had a little girl just over a year ago. Kyle loves her very much but un-fortunately doesn't care for the mother enough to have stayed with her. All though he does his bit, pays money monthly and has her every other weekend. He lives at home with his mum and dad who are very proud of whatever he does, the type of family that would love you through anything.

I tap my finger nails on my kitchen counter as I wait for Kyle to turn up, I don't have much to do now that ive cleaned my apartment. As if by luck my phone begins to ring from my bedroom and I spring into action, jumping like a ninja over a chair and sprinting into my bedroom and diving on my bed.

"Hello?" I say realizing how I sound I mentally hit myself.

"Hey Ash!" A perky voice says from the other side of the phone, I prop myself up on my elbows.

"Amber? How did you get my number?" I ask curious, not that I minded just slightly curious.

"Rung your work place, they gave it to me." She said and I frowned what ever happened to employee confidentiality. I shrug it of and get comfy.

"How are you? Did you get home okay?" I say trying to keep conversation going.

"Oh im fine now, completely over it, but no I didn't get to go home my stupid brother made me come to work with him." She grumbles on the other side of the phone I laugh slightly, she such a teenager, more so than me.

"Ah well im sure he only wants to keep you close, he seemed really worried." I say walking over to my window and looking to see if Kyle's arrived.

"Yeah worried." She scoffs. "Well I have to go, I just wanted to thank you again for letting me stay and helping me it was really kind of you." She says her voice full of sincerity.

"Amber its fine, your welcome anytime." I say and I can almost feel her grin from the other side of the phone.

"Really! Oh we're going to be great friends!" She says I laugh at her enthusiasm.

"Oh Amber, I washed your clothes got most of the stains out, do you want them back?" I ask and I hear her pause.

"Yeah, I still need to wash yours which did I thank you for lending me?" She says and I chuckle.

"You've thanked me enough." I say and she laughs softly, something about her laugh makes it sound like music.

"Right, well how about we meet up tomorrow?" She says.

"Yeah sounds good, got to be after 12 though, I don't get in till 2 again tonight." I say and I hear her laugh.

"Yeah okay, how about 1, at Micky's coffee in town?" She says and I smile.

"Sounds like a plan!" I say and we both laugh, I hear he sound of feet and I walk out into my main room and I see Kyle standing there in a tool belt looking at my door.

"Hey Amber im going to have to go, my handyman has arrived." I say with a smirk as Kyle looks up, he sends me a wink, which I respond by rolling my eyes.

"Oh for the door? Aw man im really sorry about that!" Amber says and I laugh.

"Its okay, don't worry, ill see you tomorrow." I say and I hear her sigh.

"Okay see you Ash." She says before clicking to end the call.

"Your handyman has arrived." Kyle says flexion his arms, which weren't too bad I roll my eyes.

"Get to work solid." I say pointing to the tool kit on the table with a pride smirk.

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