Shopping Disaster

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"The fuck you lookin' at?"

"You what mate?"

"You wanna a fight brov?"

We quickly crossed over the other side of the road to avoid the conflict that was about to happen between two young men in tracksuit. I do wonder why people think English accents and guys are hot. They clearly can't be talking about all English accents. These two gems prove that.

As we walked down the busy high street, I had somehow managed to walk beside Jason. Are arms brush passed each other at least 5 time, I was counting, and each time they did I felt like I had died and gone to heaven, I felt light, carefree and a tingling feeling surge through my entire body.

"We're here!" cried Whitney as she spread out her hands and did a little twirled; the mall was her home away from home. Shopping came to her like a second nature.

I did a quick scan of where I was. As I spun round I took in the huge marble water fountain ahead of me, the hundreds of people pushing past us, the grey stoned benches that surrounded us. To my left was Whitney and to my right was Jason, with Madison clung on to his arm like a leech. She was smiling, laughing and talking with Jason, while keeping her watchful, heavily maked-up, baby blue eyes fixed on me.

Whitney grabbed me by the arm and dragged me to the first shop her eyes came in contact with. I stumbled at first but then managed to get up to her pace. As I looked behind me, I saw Madison muttering away and Jason looking directly at me with a sympathetic smile.

Throughout the day, I tried to listen to Whitney speech about what make-up would go best with my face shape, which beautician and hairdresser I should see, which dress would go best with my body shape etc. But my mind was elsewhere. I gaze kept drifting from Whitney and whatever produce happened to be in her hand, and to Jason. I could not understand what was going on. I don't even know the guy! But no matter how much I told myself that, I knew one thing for certain, I was in love with him.

Five hours, three debit cards and what seemed like hundreds of shopping bags later, my shopping trip was almost over. Whitney had volunteered to hold the bags and had managed to get Madison off of Jason, and by the expression he gave, I think he was grateful, and talk to her about next season's fashions. I immediately drifted away from them. I had no idea how other girls could talk about thing as meaningless as clothes for hour on end.

"Hey." I nearly jumped out of my skin and returned back to where I was. For a few seconds I wasn't sure who had spoken, but when I turned my head to the right, I could see Jason staring at me with grin so white, it would put snow to shame. I was too dazed to speak. "So, do you come here often?" He prompted.

"S-sometimes," I managed to get out. I felt like slapping myself. He is just a boy, I kept reminding myself repetitively. I somehow got the courage to speak up and said, "I bet you are glad to get out of Madison's iron grip."

We burst out laughing and Madison stopped dead in her tracks. Whitney gave her a little nudge but she didn't move. "What's so funny?" She asked in a spiteful tone. Jason and I began to recover and he replied, "Nothing Maddie, we were just talking about school."

"Hum" she huffed as she began to walk and resumed the conversation with Whitney.

"Good save" I whispered to Jason. He smiled down to me for a few seconds and then we resumed to looking ahead of us.

I was thinking so much about the experience I had just gone through, I was grinning to myself and not really look ahead of me. For the second time today, I walked into a man. I shot back like I had just been electrocuted and began to apologise to the man. But as my eyes travel up to his face I froze. I stared at the figure in front of me. The fashionable clothes, the deep tan, the blindingly white teeth, the short light brown hair, the bright green eyes.

My legs buckled and Jason managed to catch me before I could crash onto the ground. Jason looked from me to the man with a confused expression. "Do you know this man?" He asked worriedly. As Jason looked between me and the man in front of me, it suddenly dawned on him. His eyes widened.

I looked into Jason's eyes for a few seconds as he gently lifted me onto my feet. I couldn't speak. Whitney looked horrified, one small, perfectly manicured hand over her mouth, and let out a gasp, understanding what was happening. Madison just looked bored.

As I pulled my gaze off of Jason's enchanting, deep blue eyes, ignored his question and turned to the shocked looking man standing in front of me. I finally found the courage and ability to talk.

"H-hi dad"

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