20)When it's your birthday

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^^ ruffle ruffle ruffle

Since it was my birthday on the 11th (not that it matters much but anyways...lol)




You weren't all that excited about your birthday anymore...

You didn't like making a big deal of it.

So your birthday is usually quiet. Sherlock would make you breakfast. Give you a few kisses...or more and your birthday gift which was usually small.

A few friends would come over for dinner, and then you end your day off with just a cuddle and netflix. Yay.


John loves to spoil you. So you usually have a fun day out. Lots of gifts and well...fluff I guess.


Let's just say, he treats you like a queen. Wait...he treats you like a queen everyday.

He treats you like a GOddEsSss.

I'll leave it at that.

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