First kiss : Moriarty

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A/N  my pinkie finger is numb and Austin Carlisle is screaming(and singing) in my ear right now plus it's 1am  so lets see how this goes...


You and Jim were interrogating someone together. It was kind of your  thing to do as a couple.

But this guy was tough and he had a bad mouth on him.

He also threw in a few comments about you, especially on your looks.

You were always confident in your skills, but you have always been self conscious about your looks, and it was your weakness. 

Obviously Jim was infuriated and the guy was dealt with, but you felt a little beaten afterwards and Jim noticed.

"Hey hey , come now, " he pulled you closer, both standing in the abandoned building still, and he lifted your chin to look at your face, who he thought was perfectly imperfect.

"You're perfect to me, do you understand?" He spoke so softly and handled you like you were a porcelain doll, delicate.

Nobody ever thought the same way about you than Jim.

He understood.

He cupped your cheek and pulled you in for a passionate but tender kiss that left you breathless afterwards. His words replaying inside your head.

You're perfect to me.



How was that one?

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