13) Your pet

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You came home to the flat one day and Sherlock was sitting in his chair thinking, but what made you most curious and excited was the black and white miniature dog sitting on his lap.

(You internally died at the sight of Sherlock with this cute little thing on his lap, it was too much for you really)

He said her name was Missy and she was walking alone on the streets.

He rescued her.

You thought she was adorable! You just love her.


John had woken up one morning with a mystery cat on his bed.

He thought maybe it was Sherlock's but when he went downstairs to ask, he said it was a stray cat that decided to stay with John for some reason.

John thought that maybe you would love to have a cat. So he took him to the vet and he was surprisingly already fixed.

When you arrived at the flat later that evening you saw a cat lying infront of the fire. John introduced him as Kitty,(he wasn't very creative when it came to pet names).

Your reaction was a loud and snotty sneeze.




You brought home a rescue dog from a vet. Her name is Teddy.


My first request will be up soon. Yay!

Thanks for reading!


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