1) How you met

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Please bare with me, this is my first preference thingy that I have ever done.

Thanks for reading. I'll stop making excused now.




It was the Christmas dinner and you arrived after Molly, (early enough to witness the awkward situation...) and you were standing awkwardly in the doorway.

Lestrade spotted you, and introduced you as his newest (and only) intern. Everyone greeted you kindly, but Sherlock Holmes, well....he just seemed to stand there and analyse you...weird...

Everyone was silent and you glanced at Lestrade who gave Sherlock a 'don't you dare' look. You smiled sheepishly at the tall man and stretched out your hand,

"(Y/N) (L/N), pleasure to meet you." You smiled kindly.

He kept staring and then he basically read you like a book, telling you (and everyone in the room) what you did the whole morning, along with the fact that you were sleeping on a friend's couch and that you were basically broke.

You heard someone say something about being rude but, what you had just witnessed was....

"Amazing..." You said, and you felt yourself staring now, smiling widely. This man was fascinating and you wanted to know what else he could do.

The rest of the evening was spent running around on a case with Sherlock Holmes and John Watson who thought you could be of use . It was a Christmas you never experienced, and an evening you never thought would play out like it did.

When you arrived back at their flat Sherlock stopped and turned around on the steps, and asked a question that would spark a lifelong partnership,

" How would you like to sleep on our couch from now on?"


"Do you have an idea of what it might mean?" Asked John as he and Sherlock walked throught the aisles of the library, like they did many cases ago.

They were looking for translations or any information about a foreign dialect in the library, they had no idea where it came from, or what it meant at all, surprisingly.

"No John. Not yet anyways." Sherlock said in frustration.

They walked to another set of aisles, passing a table where a woman sat, with a book, her (e/c) eyes scanning the pages rapidly.

John took notice of the woman, of course he found her quite beautiful. Sherlock noticed his behaviour and gave him an annoyed glare, he looked back at the woman and stopped.

"John. How about we go chat with that young woman over there, she knows what we're looking for." And Sherlock rushed over to the girl.
She looked up as they approached and John suddenly became nervous.

"Hello. My name is Sherlock Holmes and this is my partner John Watson and you specialise in ancient dialects do you not?" Sherlock casually asked.

The woman looked confused and stuttered a yes. Sherlock clapped his hands together in excitement and looked over at John who was looking at the woman.

"Oh come on John just ask for her number already! She's going to be working with us for a while anyways!"

"Uhm...I'm sorry but did you just say that I'm going to be working with you?" The girl asked.

"Yes of course! Now come along! And bring your books!" Sherlock shouted, rushing out of the library.

John stared bewildered at Sherlock,then smiled back at the girl.
"Sorry about my friend's behaviour, uhm, John Watson." He said again with an outstretched hand.

The girl with the (e/c) eyes smiled and shook his hand, "(Y/N) (L/N), pleasure to meet you."


You were an assassin. And a very good one, but this time it was cutting it close and you were in a compromising position, with someone on your tail and a witness.

You messed up this time, badly.

You were hiding, fearing someone will find you.

You came home to your small apartment after you went shopping for groceries at the market, but the lamplight from your livingroom was on.

Silently, you walked to the archway of the livingroom, gun in hand, ready to attack, but a voice stopped you.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." A man said calmly in an irish accent. You appeared behind the wall, pointing your gun at the man , who was sitting on your couch.

You furrowed your eyebrows. He's attractive... you thought. Stop it!

"Who are you and what do you want?" You moved closer, but he remained calm and smiling.

"I'm hear to help you." He said charmingly. "My name is Jim Moriarty, and you," he leaned forward and pointed at you, "you, darling have caught my eye." He smirked again and you felt your cheeks heat up.

"Now, (Y/N). Sit down and let's discuss this, shall we?"


Okay that too longer than expected!

Thanks for reading my attempts in writing a proper preference book lol.

And please comment! I would really appreciate some feedback 😊 and I would very much like to know if it's any good XD

Have a great one 😘

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