2) He asks you out

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Sherlock was unpredictable, we all know that. And when he asked you on a date, you kind of thought that there would be some kind of perk to it.

But you were sitting in the flat, on the couch which was no longer your bed, (you had moved into John's old room) and you were reading your favourite book, a cup of tea in the other hand. The fire was crackling and Sherlock was silent in his chair.

Then out of the blue he spoke up, "(Y/N), will...you go on a date with me?" He asked quickly, seeming unfazed by the question but he still sounded unsure.
Your eyes grew wide and you stared at him, not believing your ears.

You had liked Sherlock for a long while and never thought he would ever feel the same way...I mean he was caught in the idea that love was human error.

Took you a while You thought of saying. But instead kept it simple.

"Yeah. Why not?" And then you proceeded to read your book like nothing happened at all.

And Sherlock, well he was secretly celebrating.


After you helped the two solve a case, you kind of stuck around. So you shuffled between Uni and solving crimes.

What a hobby, am I right?

So you spent your time at 221B, you found it lovely there.

Sherlock, you knew, was secretly jealous of you. Which was funny.

And John, he kind of grew on you. He was always such a gentleman, and he was funny and cute and...you were definitely falling for him. Oh boy...

And he fell for you too. The moment he saw you he was already in love.

So when he asked you on a date, you two were walking side by side in the park. It was a lovely sunny day in London and you two had lunch as friends and went for a walk.

You were chatting about who knows what when John stopped and his face grew a little more serious, but was still warm and kind.

"So (Y/N), we've known each other for a while now and I cannot deny it but, I really like you." He said honestly. Your heart started to thump in your chest.

"And I was wondering if you wanted to be my girlfriend?" You admired his confidence. And smiled so widely your cheeks hurt, and then your smile turned to a giggle.

"What's wrong?" John smiled and started giggling too.

"Nothing...hmm, of course I would love too!" You smiled and hooked arms with John. You could see the joy in his eyes.

"Let's just, uh, not tell Sherlock just yet." John joked as you two walked down the path.

"I bet he'll be ecstatic!"


Jim was a psychopath and you knew it. But you always loved the bad guys for some reason, I guess you knew there was more than just a killer behind the man.

Jim helped clear your name after you made a mistake on your last mission and you felt forever thankful for that.

But Jim was different, he kind of stuck with you and sent you texts everyday. Sometimes he would even take you to lunch.

So it wasn't surprising when he asked you on a proper date. Yes, you liked him and his crazy genius brain, his puppy dog eyes and humour.

It wasn't hard for him to ask you to be his girlfriend , it just sort of happened while you were on a dinner date, which you guess was your first date.

And of course you wanted to be his girlfriend.


So..........yeah...........I guess that just happened..........

Sorry the one for Moriarty sucked...

But anywhooo###

Thanks for lending your eyes and reading this !

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