Meet The Coles

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"LEXIEEEEEEEEEE!" the 6 year old screamed slash howled my name and I immediately dropped my Danielle Steel novel on the ground in a haste to get to my baby sister.

"Are you hurt?!"

"Danny killed it!"

At that point, my twin Alex, rushed in also.

"Killed what? Did he hurt your doll Mia?" he asked scooping her into his arms.

"Nooooooo!" she sobbed, "he hurt the spider!"

"Cos I need it for something! Don't be such a baby Mia!"

"Why are you so upset anyway? It's just a stupid spider Mia! Grow up already." Derek shouted and carried the poor spider out of the room.

We communicated with our eyes and after the silent battle, I went after my devilish brother to get him to apologise.

"Yeah grow up Mia." Daniel said and trailed after me and I could faintly hear Alex saying something that sounded like, "The spider looked so old Mia. He was probably in pain already and Danny and Derek helped him."

"It was a she!"

"Yeah, she."

"Can we bury him then?" she asked already forgetting the spider was meant to be a she.

"DANIEL, DEREK SITTING ROOM NOW!" I shouted in my no-nonsense tone.

Ten seconds later, they were seated and I took a seat opposite them.

"Do I want to know what the spider is needed for?"

"Probably not." Derek replied with a smug grin.

"You know Mia's sensitive to things like this guys. You will apologise to her and then we'll bury the spider. For her."

"Are you out of your mind?! I need that spider for tomorrow and I'll probably not be finding another one anytime soon. There will be no burial." Derek replied again while Danny kept himself busy eating chips.

"I am six years older than you Derek in case you've forgotten. So you WILL shut up, you WILL apologise to Mia and you WILL bury that spider. If you need it that badly you can dig it up when she's gone to bed. Am I understood?!"

"Who wouldn't understand after that yelling?" Danny muttered and I gave him the stink-eye.

"Fine but I'm telling mum you said I should shut up."

"Have fun." I replied with a sarcastic wave at them before walking back to Mia's room where Alex was giving her a piggyback ride and she was giggling uncontrollably.

"Dad called, he said you should make something nice, apparently he and mum have some wonderful news when they get back. How'd it go with the boys?"

On cue, they walked in and with the most unapologetic face ever, they said in unison, "we're sorry for killing the stupid spider Mia."

"Faster piggy!" Mia ignored them having way too much fun to pay them any attention.

They were about to walk out when I stopped them, "not so fast. You're gonna help me make dinner while Alex cleans up your mess."


"I'll clean up the mess!" Derek and Daniel yelled respectively.

For ten year olds they really made it easy for me to imagine cutting out their tongues and shoving it down their ears so far down, their bodies had to take it as a metabolic waste or in simpler terms - shit it out.

"Kitchen. Cooking. Now."

I heard them grumbling as they stomped off to the kitchen.

On getting there Derek delivered the speech he and Danny had come up with in a matter of seconds, "on behalf of my twin brother and I, I tell you that we absolutely refuse to assist in the preparation of any other meal except spaghetti."

I ruffled their hair and agreed knowing it was their fave food of the week, "let's get cooking then my lovely chefs."

"What's cooking?" Alex asked walking in with a happy Mia.

"One-two-three-go! From the S to the P to the ummmm how is spaghetti spelt?" Danny asked with a sheepish smile cutting off his very poor cheerleader imitation short.

It's gonna be a long night.

As usual.

~Author's Note~

Hey guys. Thanks for the vote of confidence; it's quite awesome of you to read this book. :D

Now this wasn't the best of prologues but I've written the first three chapters or so down to get an idea of where I'm going with this and there's no better beginning for this story, unfortunately.

I promise it gets a whole lot better from chapter two or so but anyways vote and comment!


xoxo Kay.

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