19. The Island of Confessions

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It was one in the morning. The moon shined down on the water like a peaceful Picasso painting. I wasn't stupid. I pulled out the mace canister from my purse (ever since my best friend was attacked on campus, I began carrying it with me.)
I felt like I was liar for not telling Mads but I needed to hear Ben out. Of course he is terrifying but I needed to hear his side.
Standing on the dock, I began to feel it shake slightly, making my turn to look at Ben as he walked towards me.

"You're here!" He was very surprised.

"I am...whats this about?"

"I think you already know the answer to that," He says putting his hands in his jean pockets.
He was nervous, tense and slightly annoyed.
His blonde hair shined in the moonlight, as did his evil brown eyes.

"Not exactly." It was stupid of me to be blocked in by him, I should have came down when I saw him arrive. No where to run, just the water behind me.

"How much has my uncle told you about me?"
I shake my head, trying to muster false words.

"He hasn't said much."

"Bullshit...you're scared of me, that's not because I look intimidating."
I look away from him, trying to figure out what to say.

"He told you about Maggie...didn't he?"
A bemused look fell over my face as I turned to him.

"Whose Maggie? He just told me about what happened...two summers ago...and last summer." I'm nervous and he can definitely tell.
Letting out a slight chuckle, Ben begins to pace.

"Can you hear me out? Listen to my side?" He says walking toward me until his lips are close to my forehead.
I loo up at him, he stares me down as I begin to shake in fear.

"Please, don't be scared of me, Allison. I would never hurt you." He is sincere but still questionable.
He steps back, giving me space to feel safe.

"What happened? Whose Maggie?" I demand to know.

"Two summers ago, I met Maggie here at the Inn. She was like you, strawberry blonde hair, beautiful brown eye, a perfect body...but she wasn't my type. She was fun to hangout with and that's all we did. We went swimming, hiking, camping, but we weren't together," He explained.
He went back to having his hands in his pockets and leaned back slightly as he tried to relax.

"One night I got a call from my uncle, asking me what I did. I was confused and I didn't know what was going on. He said that Maggie had showed up at the hospital with deep cuts and bruises, sprained wrist, and a concussion. He said she looked like she was attacked but I swear to god, Allison, I did not attack her." He began to beg.

I moved closer to him and saw his eyes fill with tears.

"Please! You have to believe me, Allison! I would never hurt a girl, that's the worst thing someone could do, my father...my real father..." he trailed off as he fell to his knees.
I crouched in front of him.
Confusion took hold of me, I wanted answers.

"Your real father?"
He nodes and wiped the tears from his cheeks.

"I was adopted by Vincent and Penelope when I was six. I was left here by my mother. I don't remember much but what I do remember is that my father...he would drink...get so angry. My mother left me to protect me. I would never betray her and turn into him. Allison please believe me!"

He grabs my hands and hold them in his lap. I sit on my heels, trying to console him as he leans back to sit.

"If you didn't do it, Ben, then why didn't you just tell them where you were."

"I can't! No, no, no. That's something that I cannot do." He was stricken with guilt rather than fear.

"Well...obviously they didn't have evidence to charge you...right?"
He shook his head.

"She never filed a police report, technically it never happened. But my uncle knew. He assumed it was me because sometimes...I just get angry."

"I know, he told me."

"I'm going to counseling. It's helped a lot. But, Allison, my anger has not gotten in the way of my promise. I will never be my father."

I nod as he looks down at my hands.

"What about the girl from last summer?"
He looks up abruptly.

"Conny? She was kind of insane to be honest, but, I didn't hurt her. Hell! I only hung out with her maybe three times during the entire summer. She left so suddenly, it was very odd. Her parents shielded her when they took her back home. Like they covered her face with a shall as if people were taking pictures of her. They didn't want people to see her face."
I was so confused.

"So two girls, who look exactly alike, in two summers were attacked, and both times they had befriended you. Ben, don't you see how this looks."
He sniffles.

"Yes, but...I didn't."
I took in a deep breath. I try to console him some more.

Who hurt those girls?

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