4. The Island of Doctors

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    I was panting, running through the trail alongside Kristi. The sun was coming up as I worked my way across the designated tree lined trail of dirt and twigs. Kristi's panting is that of an asthmatic kid who just ran a marathon. I have asthma, yet she sounded worse. I slowly came to a halt.

"Do you...need...a break. I forget, your just a beginner."
I had begun training Kristi nearly two weeks ago. We started with morning runs, then worked our way to high intensity interval training. She wanted to look great in her white dress. I just liked seeing the princess struggle.

"No...I'm just used to...a flat...surface."

"Inclines good. We can walk the rest of the way and halfway back we can do a quick burst."

She is obviously struggling, shaking as she opens her water bottle.

"Don't drink it fast, remember the first time you did that." I reminded her. It was so enjoyable to see the preppy, rich, classy blonde vomit on the side of the road, feeling utterly miserable. Being toned, looking fit, was something that needed to be earned, something she didn't understand.

We continued our walk, minutes past by. Silence loomed over us except for the sound of water from a creek down the hill beside us.
The sound of branches cracking made Kristi jump.

"I always think there are wolves in these woods. Stupid, right?"

I shake my head. "Why is that stupid?"

"Our wolves species diminished like ten years ago. Too many attacks made people pissed off, resulting in people hunting more than just birds."

"Oh! Thats terrible. Ecology wise and all, I can't imagine the results of the-" before I could nerd out on Kristi, the sound of a roar came from beside Kristi from the woods. A tall figure lunged before us. I stepped back in fright. My heart beating fast. I missed my footing, my ankle slipping on its side and suddenly I fell off the side.

I rolled down the hill, branches poking me at every turn. The sound of broken glass sounded the air and then I felt the coolness of water.

My head burning, my knee stinging in pain as I came back to reality. The creek I laid in was deep enough to cover my body laying down. Water encompused by face, covering my mouth and nose. I couldn't breath.

Abruptly, two hands grasped my arms pulling me above the water.
The creek was as deep as a full plastic kiddy pool, and it was wide enough to cover me head to toe.

When I came to the surface, I met the dark brown eyes of Dr. Struhst.

"God Dammit, Troy! I told you something was going to happen. You never fucking listen!" He yelled looking over his shoulder.

"I didn't know she was gonna fall down the hill!" A voice echoed from up the steep hill behind Mads. He looked at me.

"Tell me what hurts." He says worriedly. He looked at me from head to toe. His hand adjusted to the back my head, I let out a gasp of pain. He groaned angrily.

"If she has a concussion, Troy, I'm going to kick your ass!" His voice is serious, filled with rage.
He turns to me. Looking for more injuries. He gets to my knee and curses away. "Fucking hell!" I feel a sharp pain as Mads yanks a large peice of glass from my knee. He pulls me to him, turning my body. I lean against him as he dips my knee into the water, washing  blood down the stream.

I lean my head back calmly. I could sleep here. The cool water was soothing, sending the aches and pains away. I begin to close my eyes but his voice interupts my exhausted state.

"No, no, no, Elsker, I need you to stay awake." His voice fills my ears.
What did he call me?
What does that mean?

He hoists me into his arms. An arm under my leg, another wrapped around my shoulders. He cradles me.

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