Chapter 19

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5 days later...The Three Broomsticks

"What's a mudblood like you doing in a place like this?"

Hermione sighed and looked up at the blonde boy who seemed to have suddenly appeared out of nowhere beside her table. "Actually, if you must know, I'm impatiently awaiting the arrival of my date. Who, by the way, slightly resembles a ferret. And who is about ten minutes late."

Draco feigned an expression of shock. "Are you telling me that you have a date? Who's the unlucky guy?"

Hermione shrugged. "Nobody special."

Draco grinned. His hand emerged from behind his back, and in it he was holding a single red rose. He held it out to Hermione, who was now blushing slightly.

"Oh Malfoy, you shouldn't have," she said.

"I know." Draco took a seat next to her. "Do you think your date will mind if I keep you company until he shows up?"

"Who cares about him? You should be asking if I mind."

Draco leaned over and whispered in her ear, "Do you mind?"

The feel of his breath on her earlobe sent shivers down her spine. "I g-guess not," she stammered.

"Lucky me," Draco murmured, nuzzling her neck.

Hermione began to giggle, but abruptly stopped when she heard the sound of somebody clearing their throat nearby. Standing by their table, looking quite awkward, was Harry and Ron.

It had been five days since Hermione and Draco had revealed their newfound (or not so newfound) feelings for one another. They had taken the news better than she'd expected (Harry didn't yell, and Ron didn't turn purple again), but not as well as she'd hoped. In fact, they'd been keeping their distance from her all week – talking to her only when they absolutely had to. Ginny had told her not to worry about it, that they would come around. She was sure Ginny was right, but she couldn't help but feel miserable in the meantime. Harry and Ron were her best friends, and she couldn't stand the thought of losing them. Having Draco as a companion was great, but she never wanted to lose the relationship she had with those two boys. They were like family to her. She loved them.

"Hey," she greeted them hesitantly.

"Hello," Harry said. "May we sit down?"

Hermione smiled and said, "Of course."

They both took a seat across from the two lovebirds. They glanced at each other, as if silently trying to decide who should speak. In the end, they decided on Harry.

"Hermione, Ron and I have been thinking a lot the past few days," he began, "and we have a few things to say about this, if you don't mind."

Draco snorted, and Hermione glared at him. "Go ahead, Harry."

Taking a deep breath, Harry continued: "Well, first of all, Ron and I were not happy to learn about your...relationship...with Malfoy. But we weren't exactly surprised, either." He looked over at Draco. "It's no secret that we don't like you, Malfoy. And it's no secret that you don't like us, either. appears as though you like Hermione. And Hermione...well, Hermione really likes you. We've been trying to deny it for so long; trying to ignore it. But we know now that it was wrong of us. And we're sorry, Hermione."

Hermione opened her mouth to accept Harry's apology, but he went right on talking.

"We hate the thought of you with Malfoy, Hermione," he said. "But we also hate the thought of you being unhappy." He looked over at Ron. "I think we both hate the latter a little more. So we're here to tell you that...well, that if being with Malfoy makes you happy, then we're willing to accept your relationship. And we'll be happy for you."

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