Chapter 3

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Ronald Weasley's face had turned three different shades of red, one light shade of purple, and an attractive shade of blue before he finally realized he had stopped breathing. This realization then resulted in him taking one big breath before sputtering, "HermionewhatareyoudoingwhythebloodyhellareyoukissingMalfoyareyouinsane!"
Not understanding a word he had said, Hermione just blinked and shifted her gaze to Harry, who stood perfectly still, looking as though he had just been petrified.

Well, this certainly wasn't what she had expected.

"Hermione," Harry croaked. "Bloody hell...kissing...ferret...what...why..."

Draco, clearly amused, tilted his head and stared at Harry. "You certainly do have a way with words, Potter."

Harry blinked as though Draco's words had pulled him out of his daze. He glared at the blonde boy in front of him. "What the hell have you done to her?" he demanded.

Draco grinned. "Nothing." He glanced at Hermione and winked. "Yet."

At his words, Hermione blushed, and Ron lunged himself at Draco, but was quickly pulled away by Harry. "Ron, we can't kill him until after he tells us what he's done to Mione."

"He hasn't done anything to me!" Hermione said, shaking her head.

Draco nodded in agreement, casually slipping an arm around her waist. "She's right, I haven't. I would never do anything to hurt Hermione," he said sincerely.

Hearing Draco speak so sweetly about Hermione, and seeing him willingly touch her was enough to convince Harry that this was all just a bad dream. Malfoy would never be nice to a "mudblood". Never. So yeah. That's what this is. A nightmare. Harry glanced down at himself, half-expecting to see that he was naked, making this horrifying nightmare complete. But he was still fully clothed. And deep down, he knew this was no nightmare. At least, not in the literal sense.

"Harry. Ron. Draco and I...we..." Hermione glanced up at Draco and smiled. "We're in love, apparently."


"Cripes, Weasley," Draco drawled. "What is wrong with you?"

"What is wrong with me? What is wrong with ME? I want to know what is wrong with Hermione! I want to know why she was willingly kissing you, and I want to know why you have your arm around her right now!"

"Are you hard of hearing, you stupid git? Hermione has already told you that she and I are in love. Does that answer your questions?"

Ron opened his mouth to yell some more, but Harry grabbed his arm and pulled him away from the two lovebirds. Once they were out of earshot of Hermione and Draco, Harry whispered, "Something is terribly wrong."

"Gee, you think?" Ron rolled his eyes.

"We need to do something," Harry continued. "Malfoy has obviously put some sort of sick love spell on Hermione. I don't know what kind of game he thinks he is playing, but we have to end it. Right now."

Ron nodded. "Sounds like a bloody wonderful idea, Harry. But how do you suppose we do that? Mione is practically attached to him right now." He glanced over to see his best friend once again making out with his worst enemy. He was suddenly overcome with a wave of nausea.

Harry was looking slightly ill himself. "We'll have to use magic."

"Use magic? On Hermione?" Ron narrowed his eyes. "She would never forgive us."

"Oh please, Ron. Once she realizes what Malfoy has done to her, the fact that we used magic on her will be the least of her worries."

"This is true." Ron sighed. He pulled out his wand, knowing what they were going to have to do. "You take Hermione. Leave the ferret to me."

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