Chapter 4

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"Bloody hell."

Draco Malfoy woke up the next morning on the hard cement floor outside of the Slytherin common room. Apparently, Ron's theory of him being found by Crabbe, Goyle, or Pansy (or anyone else, for that matter), was highly inaccurate. He was surprised that not even a prefect had stumbled upon him. Actually, it was more likely that one had, but had decided not to wake him, figuring he deserved to remain passed out on the cold, hard floor. Slowly, he stood up. His whole body was aching, but that pain paled in comparison to what Potter and Weasley would be feeling by the end of the day.

Hermione. The thought of Scarface and Weasel suddenly reminded him of their best friend, the mud...the mudbl...the mu...the most beautiful girl in the world. He smiled absent-mindedly as the memories of last night came flooding back. It was weird. At this time yesterday morning, Hermione wasn't even in his thoughts. And even the few times he had seen her during the day, he'd felt nothing but loathing and disgust. But, she was all he could think about, and he couldn't wait to see her again. He thought of heading straight to the Gryffindor common room immediately, but figured he should probably get ready for classes first.

"Venom," he mumbled the password to the portrait in front of him; the goofy smile still playing at his lips. But that smile faded quickly as soon as he stepped through the portrait hole, and was attacked by a big, blonde pug dog. Or, more accurately, Pansy Parkinson.

"Drakie! Where have you been? Ohmygod I have been soooo worried about you!" She threw her arms around him in a huge bear hug.

"Pansy, leave the poor boy alone," Blaise Zabini said, grabbing the back of Pansy's robes and tugging at them gently until he had pried her off of Draco. "I'm sure he has a perfectly good excuse for not gracing us with his presence last night. Like...maybe...he was shacked up with some random hot chick he met in Hogsmeade last night?"

Pansy's face fell. "Random hot chick? No way. He wouldn't. Right Drakie? You weren't with some whore last night, were you?"

"No," Draco said with a grin. His expression became dreamy. "I was with the most beautiful girl in the world."

"Humph!" Pansy huffed, crossing her arms over her chest.

Blaise's eyes lit up. He ignored a seething Pansy and patted Draco on the back. "Tell me all about her. What does she look like? Is she a good kisser? Did you know..."

Draco dropped down on the couch. "Well...she is absolutely beautiful. She's got the most amazing brown eyes – you could get lost in them. And her hair...she's got the most luscious brown locks. A bit unruly, but it just makes it so much sexier, you know? And...she's smart. Really smart. Sort of bookwormish. But I actually find that to be attractive, you know? She's like one of those sexually repressed librarians who's just waiting to let her hair down and go wild. And yes...she is a bloody amazing kisser." His smile widened at the sudden memory of having Hermione pressed up against the side of the Three Broomsticks. "But we didn't get to take it any further. Her two stupid best friends came along and put a stop to it by stupefying me. Can you believe the nerve of them? I didn't think it was even humanly possible, but I honestly think I hate them even more now than I did before last night."

Blaise, who sat across from Draco, was staring at his best friend as though he had gone completely daft. "If I didn't know any better, I'd think you had just described the mudblood Granger."

Draco's smile wavered slightly. "Don't ever call her a mudblood again, you ignorant prat."

Pansy cried out in horror. Her Drakiepooh had just defended the mudblood! And his description had matched Granger perfectly. She grabbed onto the side of the couch for support. This could not be happening.

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