Chapter 6

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Author's Note: Oh, thanks to everyone  for reading my story! You are all very seriously cool! So...this chapter is actually my longest chapter yet. I'm not sure if that's a good thing or not. I had such a hard time writing it, because I SUCK at writing mushy scenes, especially where Draco is concerned (it's hard to make him act like anything other than an irritating git). Hopefully I did okay...

The trip to Hogsmeade that night was very awkward. Nobody spoke a word until they had finally arrived in front of the Three Broomsticks.

"So this is where you said you found them last night?" Snape asked his two students.

Harry nodded and pointed to the side of the building. "Yes, right over there. When we found them, they were kissing and -"

Snape's face twisted into a mortified expression. "I do not need details, Potter. In fact, I would appreciate it if you left all of the details out." He shuddered.

Harry nodded. He hated telling the details about as much as Snape hated hearing them.

When the three of them entered the Three Broomsticks - which surprisingly was very dead for this time of night - they were immediately greeted warmly by a young woman carrying a drink tray.

"Good evening, gentlemen." She glanced at Snape and grinned. "Professor Snape! Long time no see! What brings you to the Three Broomsticks tonight?"

"Miss Whittaker," Snape said blandly, acknowledging her with a short nod. "Actually, I came to talk to you."

Harry and Ron looked at each other. Who was this woman, why did Snape want to talk to her, and what did she have to do with Hermione and Malfoy?

"Oh," the young woman said, looking perplexed. "Well let me just go set this tray down and ask Markus if I can take a small break. Why don't you all take a seat over there," she said, pointing to a table over in the corner. "Can I get you guys anything?"

"We'll take two butterbeers," Harry replied, ignoring Snape's glare.

"Sure thing." The barmaid winked and disappeared into the back of the pub.

"If you don't mind us asking, sir," Ron said, "why are we here?"

"Patience is a virtue, Mr. Weasley," Snap growled. "You will find out in due time. Now please refrain from talking."

Ron mumbled a few choice words under his breath, but luckily Snape was oblivious to them. Less than a minute later, the barmaid returned with two butterbeers, which she placed in front of Harry and Ron, then she pulled up an empty chair and joined them at the table.

"So what can I do for you?" she asked tentatively.

"Well, I was hoping you could provide us with some information on a love potion. Two of my students -"

"I had nothing to do with that," she said defensively. "I did not spike those kids' drinks, if that's what you're thinking."

Snape narrowed his eyes at her. Both Harry and Ron recognized this expression as contempt. It was an expression he had used many times on them. "Actually, Miss Whittaker, that was not what I was thinking. But it is now."

Geniva blushed furiously. "I, erm, um..." She looked at Harry and Ron. "Would you boys like some more butterbeer?"

"They haven't even begun drinking the ones you just brought them," Snape barked. "So you're behind this? I should have known the minute these boys mentioned the Three Broomsticks."

Harry and Ron desperately wanted to chime in and ask what this woman had to do with anything, but decided instead to examine their mugs of butterbeer as if they were the most interesting things in the world.

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