Where There Is A Will, There Is A Way (A Dougie Poynter One Shot)

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Where There Is A Will, There Is A Way

My day had started off a complete bore. It was even a Saturday, and yet nothing was happening. I simply woke up, went to the bathroom to take a shower and fix my long red hair that you can consider an "emo" cut, but hey it's cute, and applied some kickass mascara to my dark brown eyes.

"Yep, just another day in the life of Autumn." I sighed, but decided to head down stairs to the kitchen.

I must admit that I am lucky enough to have a dad who has a really good job. He works with designing and advertising for people in the music business and so we live in a nice community with a nice house. Yes there were even little old grandmas who take care of their rose bushes like they were their grand babies in my neighborhood. However all of this comes at a price: my dad really isn't around as much anymore. It's just been him and myself since I was really little, and for a few years now it seems all he does it work.

"Hey pumpkin." My dad said sweetly and placed a kiss on my head.

"Morning dad." I answered and continued to munch on my cereal.

"Hey Autumn," My dad began, "I have a business trip coming up in Atlanta."

"Great." I mumbled. Just another trip. Just another week or two not at home, I sighed mentally to myself.

"Well I know that we haven't," He cleared his throat to continue, "Look I know I haven't been the best dad in awhile. I want to make it up to you. Will you come on this business trip with me?"

I couldn't believe it! My dad actually wanted me to go on a business trip with him. For a second there I didn't know whether I should laugh or cry. Let's just say I didn't choose either for the sake of a weird argument.

"Yah dad that sounds like fun. Where are we going again?"

Two days and five crying babies later on the plane, I was now locking myself inside the airplane bathroom to get some god damn peace from the world.

"Oh yah lets go to Atlanta!" I mocked to myself in the mirror.

Why?! Why can't there be a magical device that makes babies go to sleep instantly?! I don't want this trip to be bad, but honestly what is going to happen? I'll tell you what, nothing, absolutely nothing.

I stared back at myself one more time in the mirror before unlocking the stall to head out. Apparently I wasn't looking and bumped face first right into the other door.


My dad and I make it to the hotel and I was so tired that I didn't even know what the lobby looked like. I think there was a huge ass fish tank with some tropical fish, and come to think of it, quite a few girls in the lobby. Girls? Nah, never mind. I dropped my bags on the floor and dragged onto one of the big beds in the room. Oh so nice, I smiled to myself and buried my face in the pillow. It smelt like warm vanilla and lilacs and put me to sleep instantly.

A couple hours had past and I finally woke up from my jet lag. Slowly I made my way around the room to notice my dad gone but a note on the black table. It read: Hey Sweetie, I had to go to a meeting right away and didn't want to wake you. I'll be gone for a few hours. Order room service if you want. Love, Dad.

"Well that is just great. I'm stuck in a hotel room all by myself with no one to talk to." I sighed to myself and watched some T.V. for about an hour before getting enough energy to walk out. I might as well make the best of this trip and explore. Besides what's the worst that can happen?

As I was walking down the hallway and thinking all of this to myself, I wasn't watching where I was walking and collided with something hard.

"Owwww!" I wined.

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