Kangin oneshot for HyeJung_Choi

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^ that's Hyejung by the way

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^ that's Hyejung by the way...

Choi Hyejung has been friends with Kangin of Super Junior, aka Kim Young Woon, since their elementary school days. She always supported Kangin through thick and thin; whether it be getting confessed to by a guy in high school and being made fun for it, all through the crazy things happened to him and his group Super Junior, when SM and Super Junior had the original 13 protesters, when he got his DUI and assault charges... and many more things. Everyone at the SM building knows Hyejung as Kangin's best friend, even if they didn't know her name. The Super junior boys basically adopted her as their sister. Kangin is very protective of Hyejung. Hyejung was excited that Super Junior is having a comeback in the next few months and has been with the boys whenever she wasn't working at her temp agency.

The group finished rehearsing and was going out to eat together. "Hyejung ah, we missed you!" Heechul cooed and side hugged Hyejung, mischievously. Heechul knew this bothered Kangin; he does it all the time. Kangin has had a crush on Hyejung since they were kids but never told her, and the guys take advantage of this all the time. "Yahhh Heechul... Why are you grabbing onto her like that?! God, you're such a creepy flirt..." Kangin hissed. "Hyejung, does this bother you?" Heechul asked, taunting Kangin. "Well, I don't mind... But if it bothers Young Woon, then stop doing it in front of him," Hyejung said honestly, and a little absentmindedly. This made the other guys tease Kangin. "Guys don't be rude..." Hyejung said awkwardly. The silly-ness stopped and they all got in their respective vehicles to go to the restaurant. They are taking two vans; Kangin and Hyejung were in one van together. There weren't enough seats. Donghae jokingly offered to sit on Eunhyuk's lap, but they decided on Hyejung sitting on Kangin's lap because "he doesn't trust the other guys". "Hyejungieee... You embarrassed me in front of my hyungs again... not cool..." Kangin said softly into her ear. "I was trying to help since you seemed annoyed... Jeez then stop being so sensitive," Hyejung said, slightly teasing. This made Kangin "Hmph" and remain quiet until they got to the restaurant.

All the boys and Hyejung got out of the vans and went in the entrance. It was their favorite restaurant to eat at, and they would close the doors whenever Super Junior wanted to eat there in peace. They had their usual giant table. They ordered drinks and basically all the food on the menu. Yesung kept draping his arm on Hyejung and Leeteuk kept giving cutesy glances to her. This made Kangin angry but he tried not to show it. Everyone was talking and eating happily. There were tons of stories from the past. Hyejung told the story how she met Kangin in second grade. A boy was picking on her, so he yelled at them and threw a desk at them. The guys still laugh really hard to this very day and Kangin pouted. Hyejung apologized softly to Kangin who was next to her and rubbed his back. This relaxes him so he lightened up. As the guys got more drunk, they were getting flirty around Hyejung and that was making Kangin really angry. 

Hyejung was sitting with Kyuhyun while Heechul, Kangin, and Yesung were yelling at once another. Kangin scolded his members for being so touchy and flirty with his best friend. They were teasing him for being so protective. "Well, at least we can acknowledge our feelings towards Hyejung. You liked her since you were kids and still can't say it to her face," Heechul exclaimed. Hyejung looked at them, completely shocked. The guys, in all the years she has known them, have never made her aware of these feelings. She felt really bad all of a sudden. Kangin was about to clobber Heechul, but Siwon managed to restrain him. "YOU JERK! I HATE YOU SO MUCH HEENIM! YOU JUST ANTAGONIZE ME FOR MY SHORTCOMINGS. WHETHER IT BE MY FEELINGS FOR HYEJUNG, MY DUI, MY ARREST... FOR GODS SAKE MAN. YOU'RE NOT PERFECT EITHER... YOU CAN'T SING ALL THAT WELL OR DANCE!" Kangin screamed. Heechul was just laughing. Kangin stormed out and took his keys. Hyejung ran out after him full speed. It was pouring outside.

"Young Woon ah! You are not going anywhere just yet... wait!!!!" Hyejung yelled. Kangin slowed down but still was walking away. Hyejung managed to slip in a puddle and hurt her ankle. "Oww..." Hyejung muttered. A car was coming towards her in the street, luckily she limped quickly onto the sidewalk. "Fine... Just go then..." Hyejung cried out, starting to cry. Kangin froze and ran up to her. Kangin picked up Hyejung in his arms and took her to a cafe that was open nearby. He got her a hot cocoa and the cafe provided them with towels and a heated blanket. They were sitting in a booth, but next to each other, trying to warm up. "Why did you run after me?" Kangin scolded. "Because," Hyejung started, then hiccuped. "You could've gone to do something stupid! Like drive a car or take your anger out on someone... I know how you get. We've been friends for so long and I'm not losing you now!" Hyejung exclaimed. Kangin remained quiet for a moment or so. "... I'm sorry... I got you hurt and all wet..." Kangin said sheepishly. Hyejung cuddled up against Kangin and put her head on him. "Why are you still my friend anyway? I'm awful," Kangin asked. "Because I care stupid... You're my best friend. I don't know what I'd do without you.... even if you're really annoying sometimes. You are always there for me. You threw a desk at my school bullies. Every breakup I had, you always brought the ice cream and hugs. You used to sing me to sleep when I had bad dreams. When my Ex tried to make me look bad, you scared him away forever... I'm in love with you, Kim Young Woon... I love you," Hyejung confessed. 

Kangin didn't know what to say. His heart was beating really fast. But he was smiling. "I love you too," Kangin said, once he gained his words back. "I can't believe it took me this long. It took stupid Heechul to say it for me... I'm so sorry," Kangin said then kissing Hyejung's forehead. "I forgive you," Hyejung said with a giggle. Kangin tilted his head downwards and kissed Hyejung's lips. Hyejung kissed back passionately. The two made out for quite some time, and then parted panting slightly. "I really am sorry Hyejungie... I hope your ankle is okay," Kangin said sheepishly. "You're probably gonna have to carry me back... it hurts still," Hyejung stated. "It's the least I could do after all these years... you really put up with a lot of stupid things. I love you so much," Kangin said then giving Hyejung kisses on her lips, cheeks and forehead. "Yahh... when did you get so good at kissing Hyejung ah? I was supposed to be your first..." Kangin pouted. "You took too long... I would've been an old maid if I waited for you," Hyejung teased. "You're gonna get it later," Kangin said tauntingly, then peppering Hyejung with kisses. "You know... I never asked... will you be mine?" Kangin asked sweetly. "Of course Young Woon... you always had me," Hyejung said cutely. "Ahh so even when you were with other men? Naughty girl," Kangin said haughtily. "Oh shut up..." Hyejung said with an obvious blush on her face. Kangin chuckled at her cuteness.

The moment was interrupted by a phone call. Leetuk was calling Hyejung, she answered. "Hi Teukkie oppa... Yes I found him. We're fine. No he didn't drive. He's not drunk. No one got yelled at... Aish don't talk crap about my man! ...Yes he's my man now. Yes I told him first. Yes we'll wait for you to come get us. Okay I'm hanging up now," Hyejung said then hanging up. "The boys want to take us back home. They were worried because you didn't answer their calls. Heechul even sent an apology via voicemail," Hyejung said. "I'll listen later... besides I had you to worry about..." Kangin said then kissing Hyejung on the lips. The van came and the two lovebirds got in. The boys cheered because the two lovebirds finally got together after all these years, and then proceeded to tease them. Everyone got dropped at their respective homes. Hyejung joined Kangin at home, she was always there anyway. The two changed into pajamas (Hyejung always borrowed sweats from Kangin) and climbed into bed. "You look so cute in my clothes..." Kangin cooed then pulling Hyejung close and kissing her lips passionately, to which she returned. The two made out for quite some time and then parted, panting slightly. "I love you," the two whispered, in unison. This made them laugh.

The end!
Hope ya like it @hyejung_choi

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