The Fox and The Master

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Quinn eventually submitted to the reality that she couldn't get free. But not without hours of shaking and kicking the locked door while screaming curses. One of her hands got cut on the bars in her attempts, she was left with unruly hair in a blood smeared dress. She'd closed her eyes briefly as she laid on the hard, cold ground. No sleep found her but darkness was better than the ugly truth around her. The sun had begun setting when Ramsay eventually returned. He held a burning candle as he entered, washing her in its dim glow. He smiled wide when he saw her in the fading light.

"I heard you howling over all the noise in the dungeons, even the flayed men. I thought you must've missed me dearly, pup." He said in a joking tone as he squatted in front of her. She bowed her head and looked at her hand while he spoke. She was sure he'd be taking her to the dungeons soon too like he did with Theon. How else could he make her his pet? His eyes followed her gaze and he gave a 'tsk, tsk'.

"Now what have you done here? Though you were stronger than iron?" He scolded as seemed to truly acknowledge her poor state. She was paler, dirtier, and the complete opposite of her true self as she sat in the bare floor. He looked as if he was putting some plan together before he set down the candle and took out his key. Surprise and fright covered Quinn's face as she backed up as far as she could go. He turned the key and removed the lock. opening the door and beckoning to her to follow.

"Good dogs follow their masters. Bad dogs get kicked." He stated plain enough, as if he was going to regret his decision. She hastily crawled towards him afraid of the chance he'd revoke freedom. When she got out she went to stand but he pushed her head back down so she was stuck on her hands and knees. She gave him a questioning expression, having to crane her neck to look up. He smiled down at her with those dangerous teeth and stepped closer. She blushed as she realized she was now only inches below a threatening buldge in his trousers. She turned her head away and got lower to avoid contact.

"What do you want of me, Ramsay?" Quinn muttered as she laid flat on the ground, not looking for a fight. Though she felt a kick in her side all the same. It wasn't the hardest he could've mustered but it was hard enough to hurt. She whimpered and rolled away, fearing a second. She looked up at him even more confused, frowning in pain.

"Why?" Was all she bothered asking as she caught her breath. He was lowering himself with the same smile on. She winced away from his hands. He pushed her over till she was on her back, then he straddled her at her waist. His knees pressed into the ribs she was struck on, and she groaned. His hands found her face as he made her stare back at him.

"I am no longer Ramsay to you. I am your Master. I'll even allow Lord." He said pointedly before continuing. "And I was letting you out so you could have a bath before bed, but if you are so ungrateful.." He growled in spite, one of his hands tightening around her jaw. She looked into his faded blue eyes and shook her head slightly. He held onto her face all the same.

"N-no. I am thankful.. Master. I will obey you." She answered quickly, sacraficing pride over life. he enjoyed that answer very much, loosening his grip. He grinned wider and patted her head. Without his hands to distract her she finally noticed his concealed manhood as it dug into her stomach. She wondered if his lust would give her some level of power over him. She was no ready to test it yet.

"Good girl. Now wait here while I go get Reek to help get you in the bath. I'll know if you move." He warned as he got off of her and motioned for her to sit up like a dog. She assumed the pose with her knees bent under her and her hands resting untop of them. He was pleased and left her in the flickering candlelight. She dared not even sway as she sat there. Her knees and back ached after several moments passed by. She was almost ready to slouch just a little when the door burst open. She jumped as Ramsay came in with Reek who had two full buckets sloshing in his hands.

"Look at you, you're doing so well as my new pet." He praised as he rubbed her head again, a little too roughtly. Reek vanished into the privy and returned to lead Quinn in. She looked at Ramsay for directions before standing. He picked up on her attentiveness and bent down over her.

"Such a patient young fox. Alright you may go, but do not abuse you freedom." He said as she found her feet, trying not to stumble. She walked towards Reek and was thankful he closed the door before she undressed. Quinn slipped into the tub fast, relaxing in the steaming water. She stayed barely submersed for a while before looking up at Theon. He looked at her with a shakey stare, as if he was afraid of the entire world. She wanted to say something but remained silent. She turned away and let herself be washed, rubbing the blood from her hand. The smooth soap and flowery oils put her in peace.

She was drying herself when she realized she had nothing to wear now that her own had been soiled with blood. Theon noticed it too and walked out to Ramsay, who just so happened to have something prepared. Theon handed Quinn all he'd been given. It wasn't much and as Quinn separated the pieces she was mortified. Ramsay had only provided smallclothes. Thin, blood red satin ones for that much. She looked to Theon unsure if she should comply. He looked troubled but nodded. Quinn unwillingly slipped into the breezy material. Whoever sewed it did well enough with the lower piece, but the brasierre was all too small. The tops of her breasts were left exposed and buldging over. She wished she at least had the right sized smallclothes.

"M-master, may I have a nightgown as well? I fear I may catch cold in only these for the night." She piped up bravely, only strong enough to with the door closed. Theon shrunk back from the door, expecting Ramsay to tear it down she supposed. Ramsay only laughed from the other side however. She heard him walk nearer to the door, but not directly behind it.

"Now, now. You were doing so well, do not muck your favor now. Come out and I might be so generous as to supply such a gown." He said menacingly through the wood of the door. Quinn swallowed and moved past Theon to present herself to Ramsay like some kind of treat. Once the door was open, she saw Ramsay turn on his heel nonchalantly to take in the sight of her. His appetite was reflected in the red of the meager clothing. His eyes trailed up her exposed calves and thighs, lingering on the snug panties and her womanly hips. He snaked up to her waist and ribs, the right side beginning to bruise. When he reached her breasts he seemed ready to lunge, but he crept forward instead. She felt awakard under his scrutiny and avoided his eyes. His hand met her collarbone, dancing over it to the swell of her breasts. She shivered under his touch, his cold fingers igniting something inside her. He bit his lip as he forced himself to remove his fingers. Reek had left to throw out the bath water by now, leaving them alone.

"I agree sweet pup. We must cover you up indeed." He hissed out like he was in pain. He whipped around and grabbed a much thicker, samite gown. He handed it to her and she gladly shimmied into it, appreciating the lack of lacing and corset. He remained at the end of his bed as he stared her down, she almost smiled until she saw him pointing to the corner. She was going back to the cage. She felt dissappointed even though she knew her obedience wouldn't be enough to convince him. She walked over to her pen and knelt down to crawl in. She paused for a moment as she realized rushes and a large mink fur blanket had been laid out for her. She opened her mouth to thank Ramsay when she felt a spank across her rear. She turned around to see Ramsay desperately straining against himself.

"Do not tempt me anymore than you already have, girl. I'm warning you." He snarled behind her. She hadn't realized that when she stopped crawling into the tight space she left her ass up in the air. She was instantly embarrassed and rushed inside the safety of the bars. Quinn saw he glare through and close the gate in a hurry. He secured the lock and left to the door.

"I didn't mean to Master! I was just admiring your kindness. Thank you my lord." She admitted, hoping to quell any ill feelings he would bare her. He looked at her skeptically before nodding as he shut the door of his room. She was actually glad he was going to stay, complete darkness and loneliness would ruin her. He undressed himself before her as she wrapped herself in the soft furs. He was unlacing the front of his breeches when he caught her staring. she settled deeper into the pile of a blanket in guilt. He chuckled.

"Would you like to help Master?" He asked, stalking over to her cage with a terrible grin.

** The following will be continued next chapter and will be Mature! If you are not old enough to view or do not wish to read Mature ratings, I will try to cut the chapter off just after the naughty parts so you aren't missing plot. Have fun!**

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