The Fox and The Mistake

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*Sorry this is shitty plot, but I was rushed and ehh.*

Roose had left the Dreadfort only five nights later, leaving Quinn alone with her own personal monster. Without his father watching over him, Ramsay quickly assumed his wild ways again with flaying men in the courtyard and advancing on the Lady. In fear, Quinn had locked herself away the first day, only letting in Myranda to feed and bathe her. The kennel girl warned the Lady to be weary in ignoring him though, for his wrath would only worsen. All throughout the first day he nearly banged down her door while yelling curses, which she yelled back, and even when he sounded his calmest she did not open her door. And in the two following days he had only tried once to coax her out before he gave up entirely, deciding to wait her out instead by keeping her maid at bay. It didn't take long into the morning of the fourth day before she gave up in hunger.

She creeped out of her heavy wooden door, scanning the hall for him and his guards, though it was temporarily clear. Quiet as a mouse she padded down to the kitchen, gingerly sneaking out a heel of bread, jar of honey, and knife once she arrived. She nibbled on the bread as she travelled back to her room, eyes wide and alert. She paused briefly on the stairs when she heard the click of claws on stone. Frozen in fear, she removed the knife from her waistband and held the honey in her other hand as she finished the bread. At the top of the stairs she glanced around to see two hounds at the opposite end of the hall from her room. She swallowed hard before bolting to her room, her bare feet slapping stone loudly, attracting the dogs. In an instant they were barking and growling as they chased her. She looked back for only a second before slamming the jar into the floor so it's glass scattered behind her. She arrived at her door just in time to hear the whimpering of one of the dogs as glass was embedded in their paw. One still barreled towards her as she was closing the door. Its initial thump against the door flung her back where she scurried to the window, she threw open the shutters and stood wearily on the ledge. The thick hound snarled low and paced closer. She glanced back and realized people in the courtyard had noticed her, Myranda smiled up at her, imagining Quinn would jump to her death in escape. Quinn felt her feet slipping at the edge but dared not to get any closer to the dog that was nearing to lunge. She kept her knife in hand as she jumped towards the dog as it jumped to her. Its jaws caught her left wrist as she defended herself and used her right hand to plunge the knife into its throat. Using the built up momentum she threw the dog onto the ledge as it began to bleed and no sooner did the ledge give out underneath it and plummet to the ground.

Breathing heavily as she held her wrist, Quinn dared to look out the window, a scream rose up as chaos broke out. She realized that the stone ledge and hound landed directly on one of the viewers below, splattering their brains and identity across the dirt, though she recognized the garb: Myranda. Horror panned across Quinn's face as she backed up, shaking in equal adrenaline and fear. She had just murdered her maid and her fiance's whore. She felt a sickness welling in her stomach despite its lack of contents. Only now had she seen the bruising and blood that painted her arms. She couldn't distinguish what was the hound's and what was her own, as the slick liquid dried brown. She was light-headed when she again made her way to the door, though she stopped immediately after seeing someone blocking her exit. Ramsay stood there with bloody shoes and fingers, though his wicked teeth still gleamed in his smile, his eyes read of a terrifying anger. She shook her head as she felt tears brim her eyes.

"I didn't mean to! I didn't know!" She screamed in panic, her knees giving out as he closed in just as the hound had, yet only more menacing. He chuckled as he bent down to her, gripping her chin roughly as he stared down.

"You just killed two of my bitches, girl. So what should I do with you?" He said in an impossibly low tone. She still shook as she grabbed his arm in desperation, which he took out of her grasp instantly.

"Please my Lord, spare me.. Please, my husband..." She whispered as she covered her eyes with her hands and sobbed. He grunted and tugged her up by her hair. He dragged her down the hall in a quickening pace while she only cried on in pain.

"I'll need a new bitch now, and dogs need training." He snapped as they entered the courtyard and passed the dead bodies. Quinn nearly gagging again as her bare feet slid over chunks of flesh and rivers of blood. They neared the kennel where the hounds howled on at the scent of blood. He threw her into the first empty cage and locked it. She was sat in the straw as she rubbed her head trying to process what was happening, soon running to the bars and banging them around.

"Let me out! Ramsay!" She cried, her voice cracking as it was joined in with that of the dogs. He glanced back only once with a small grin as he shook his head and left.  

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