The Fox and The Cage

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It was the day of Roose Bolton's second departure, but this time he would be off to marry a Frey along with Lord Edmure. It had been a poor patch-up for Robb Stark's oath breaking, but as his followers Roose and Edmure agreed to take the burden. Quinn had always hated the Freys. Born from nearly incestual lineage that should've ended years ago. Each one was as hideous as the next, so of course when the Godfreys recieved offer of such an alliance, it was made with material and not blood. She felt vaguely sorry for Roose, no doubt he'd be given a pox-ridden bride. And truthfully she did not want him to leave again, not after Ramsay's threats and their previous time alone. But she could do nothing over the matter, the North needed every man. Suddenly Quinn thought of her family back in Whitehelm, she was certain her father and Fenrick would be expected to attend the conjoining through marriage. She was sad that no word had come from them, with the war they must be busy.

Quinn ate breakfast with the two Boltons while Roose's men prepared their supplies. The porridge was oddly bland no matter how much honey she mixed in and her stomach was roiling. No doubt she was nervous about Ramsay's plans and the smug grin he wore everytime they mentioned his father leaving. By the time the meal was cleared Roose's caravan was ready to go so they followed him to the gates for farewell. Again the father and son separated themselves from Quinn to talk of secret matters, glancing warily at her every now and then. Whatever they were focused on sure delighted Ramsay though, he looked wild with excitement and amusement. They wrapped up their whispers before Roose regaurded Quinn.

"I hope you will forgive me for my absence again so soon, but we bannermen must make many a sacrafice for the cause." He apologized; his words were sweet but his tone was distant. She nodded with a delicate smile, her hands working at a wrinkle in her dress.

"I understand your loyalty and dedication my Lord, most valuable qualities. I ask only that you may send my tidings to Lord Elton and Fenrick, if you can. I hope you will have a most entertaining wedding and safe journey, my Lord." She spoke politely, hoping he could follow through with speaking to her father and brother. At their mention he seemed ever-so slightly unnerved, but only nodded.

"Of course, Lady Godfrey." Roose concluded before placing the coldest, softest kiss on the back of her bare hand as he bowed. Quinn appreciated the small curtesy as she watched him mount and ride off through the forest. By the time all the horses and knights had dissappeared with the Bolton sigil at their side the fort was quiet again. She reluctantly turned around to meet Ramsay's glare. He gave a half smile that looked wicked as he gestured for her to follow him back into the castle. She followed obediently and bore holes into his back in resentment. He whipped around so unexpectedly half-way to the castle doors that he caught the insolent look still on her face. He laughed crazily and closed the space between them aggressively.

"You shouldn't make such an evil face, it suits you too well." He snarled, looking down at her in strange manner. He seemed so conflicted. Quinn wondered if he truly missed Myranda and if he was changing slowly now without her. The thought was lost in an instant when he grabbed the collar of her gown from behind and dragged her along as they entered the fort. She thought about fighting but complied instead, looking like a naughty kitten being held by its scruff. They finally reached the floor and hall her chambers were on and she expected him to lock her in her room like he did in the kennel. But they turned the opposite direction to another room at the far end of the corridor. Only then did she resist his pull, he obviously predicted that much and tugged harder. Quinn frowned as she continued struggling, for all she knew she could be headed to his flaying room. Soon enough they reached the door and he opened it with free hand. She closed her eyes for a moment only to open them and be confused. It looked near enough to her own chambers. Bed to the right wall, window on the adjacent wall, privy to the left, wardrobes on the other wall by the bed. In fact the only thing that wasn't the exact same was the swords and scabbards decorating the wall with bows and daggers. And a rather small metal cage fitted into the corner by the window. Realization hit like a wave; this was Ramsay's room. She knew just where he was going to take her then. He tugged her to the corner and she went limp, trying to delay her capture.

"No, no, no! Not again Ramsay. I did nothing wrong! I only told Roose how well you treated me and not a word of the kennels!" Quinn pleaded, tears threatening her eyes as she remembered the shame, hunger, and disgust that filled those cages. He drug her on all the same however, pushing her through the gate before snapping the door close and locking it. All around her the bars crept in, crushing her to fit. She laid on her stomach in the cage considering she barely had enough room to sit up. Ramsay looked at her through the bars with a smile as he squatted outside.

"Oh yes my little fox, I know how well you've lied. But I still need a new dog because you killed those two, remember?" He as though he was talking to a kid about something very simple. He knew she recalled the deaths all too well. She was defeated though and just laid down like a kicked dog. He reached through the bars and touched her head softly. It was sadly enough the warmest thing he'd ever done to her.

"Don't worry, Master will train you to be his favorite." He added before standing and leaving her to silence.

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