The Fox and The Falsehood

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*Extra long chapter, woo*

The water was so warm, unlike the stone and straw of her cell. Her muscles unravelled as she rubbed herself with her bar of petals and milk. Reek washed away the soap from her back with the rag, passing the cloth for her to douse her frontside. She appreciated his gentleness and his polite way of avoiding staring long at her exposed skin. His fingers began to work fragrant oils into her hair. The simple touches were a great relief from her previous solitary life. Although she knew nothing of the man she valued his presence. She suddenly wanted to know more of him.

"What is your name?" Quinn asked softly, feeling his fingers pause momentarily. She knew Ramsay must've twisted his mind through torture by now, but she was hopeful some humanity remained. She was anxious he may not even know his name any longer though.

"Reek, m'lady..." He finally answered in no more than a whisper. She furrowed her brows and slowly moved out of his grasp to face him as he sat behind her. She frowned sympathetically, reaching a hand out to his that was resting on the rim of the tub. He flinched away from her touch like poison.

"I mean your real name." She restated firmly but kindly. His eyes darted to the door that was locked across the room. Quinn followed his gaze, aware it was Ramsay he feared so deathly. He did not meet her eyes again and she feared she had pried too far. She turned back and let him douse the oil from her hair instead of continuing conversation. By now the water had cooled, and her hunger blinded her again. She stood from the tub and towelled herself dry as she made her way to her wardrobe. She chose a very loose black samite gown with golden lace trimming. She had Reek lace her up from behind after she slipped into her smallclothes. She flashed him a small smile as he finished dumping the bath water and prepared to leave. He was in the doorway when he hesitated.

"Theon Greyjoy." He said hurriedly in a hushed tone, Quinn nearly missed it entirely. She finally realized what he was referring to after a moment of blank stare. She smiled again, lowering her eyes to study her hands.

"Thank you." She replied before he disappeared into silence. She stood for a long moment by her window. Biting her lip as she noticed the ledge was still unrepaired from when it fell. She lost time as she was consumed by guilty thoughts. Her eyes were rheumy when Ramsay arrived but she blinked away tears. He had a slightly aggravated look to him, but he seemed to be pleased with her all washed up. She coughed a little before she decided to try and clear the air.

"I'm sorry about Myranda." She blurted out in a rush of confidence before it fled. He seemed surprised but also slightly distressed by the subject. He masked it immediately by shaking his head with a smile.

"You should be grateful that her jealousy was beginning to bore me. Seems she should've been the one afraid of you." He laughed, menacing instead of humorous though. Quinn avoided his eyes knowing her crime had gained her more of his wrath than she could bargain for. His ice blue eyes narrowed in thought.

"Though the hound cannot be so easily replaced." He added, making her worry even more. She wondered why an animal concerned him more than human.

"See, I've trained each one to be the most loyal companion. And loyalty is such a costly thing these days." He stated with a little laugh, like he knew something she did not. She was tempted to ask his meaning when he made his way back to the door. He beckoned her to follow, but she hesitated briefly. He noticed her worried expression and rolled his eyes.

"Loyalty begins with trust. We're only going to lunch. Don't make me use the leash." He threatened with a darkening face. She lowered her head and walked over in obedience, she would not dare to anger him further.


It had been a week in full since Quinn had first been freed and ate her first meal with Ramsay since Roose had left. Her figure and hygiene had finally came back to her much to her liking. The wound on her wrist had healed clean as well. Even Ramsay had seemed to become more tolerable, without Myranda as a distraction he must've finally decided to understand her. She saw Theon regularly now that he was her stand-in maid, and for once she felt she had a friend. Perhaps it was only his subservient nature that made her believe he enjoyed her company, but it was fulfilling all the same. She hated to admit it but her life seemed to be improving. Which meant it was soon to find an end, like it always did.

Quinn was dressing for the dinner tonight in celebration of Roose's return. The North was seemingly winning the war and a wedding to unite the last of the forces was just they needed. She wore a thin red muslin dress, and styled her hair over her right shoulder so it tumbled down in loose curls. She made her way to the great hall from her room, catching a hushed conversation between father and son as she rounded the corner. It sounded more like plotting than bantering so she dared not listen in secretly but glide in as though unaware. They paused casually and regarded her with their identical, nearly colorless eyes. She shivered. She smiled after a moment and curtsied to the Lord of the house.

"Good evening, my Lord. I'm pleased to see you have fared well in your travels." Quinn cooed out in a most sincere tone as she seated herself on the left of him. Ramsay watched her from across the table with Roose turned to face her from the head of the table. Although he was an unsmiling man, his lack of menace seemed the closest sign of his happiness.

"Thank you my Lady. I trust my son had treated you well in my absence." He stated, looking for confirmation. His eyes took in her exposed skin, perhaps to look for bruises and cuts, but none were to be found. Quinn was positive not to be so obvious as to glance at Ramsay before answering. His eyes burnt into her all the same, a silent promise of the pain he could inflict.

"Why of course. He has given me his absolute attention and time." She replied with ease, as if it had been the truth. Roose nodded and the first course finally found their plates. A thin but flavorful onion and potato soup. Ramsay gave a snarky smile to Quinn as he ate, enjoying his victory over her more than the food. She noticed Roose's wandering eyes over the servants and the courtyard visible through the windows. 

"Ramsay, who has been attending to those mutts of yours lately? They've become so quiet I imagine they've finally starved." He asked with a certain lack of concern but interest nonetheless. Quinn felt her heart pause in her chest and she rested her spoon in her bowl as she collected herself. Ramsay seemed equally caught unaware, narrowing his eyes before her made for an answer.

"I had Myranda dismissed after she cause some.. troubles as Quinn's attendant. I suppose I'll find a new kennel master eventually." He pieced together cooly, as though it was nothing new at all. Roose however was taken aback, even if his only signals for such was the slightest widening of eyes. He nodded again as if he would've suggested the same be done.

"Its about time you rid yourself of the hound whore, her actions were never kind to other women." He said plainly, pleased with Ramsay's decision for once. Ramsay was disgruntled though, the subject was still sore apparently. Quinn kept silent and simply listened in as the two conversed about the war. Courses were brought in and cleared all while she just sat without a word. She picked at her food absently and eventually excused herself after dessert had ended. The two allowed her to leave, though Ramsay's eyes seemed to be concealing something. She tired not to linger on it and made her way to her bed. She was in her nightgown and ready for sleep when a knock was heard at her door. She opened it to find Ramsay, who forced himself in.

"Father leaves again in two days time for his wedding. I expect you can keep our little incident a secret till then. If I find out you have been confiding him though I will kill you both." He said all in one rush. The words jumbled in front of Quinn before she took their meaning. She nodded quickly and backed away slightly at the warning. Ramsay's eyes were bright in the dim candlelight and their hunger scared her to death. He made no advances however and was leaving. He threw a dangerous smile back at her.

"I have many plans for you once he's gone. But I wouldn't recommend you add any more punishment to it before then. Be a good little pup and you might get a treat." He said in a voice husky with desire before he left like the wind, leaving Quinn confused and afraid.

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