The Fox and The Monsters

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The first two days of the journey were absolutely Hellish. Quinn found herself forced to sleep or eat to stay busy and avoid conversation with the stranger in front of her. Every now and then she'd break the silence with annoyed remarks to Ramsay like "Are you just going to stare the entire time?" or "How much longer now?". He'd only smile back in answer as if her disrespect towards him was only a jest. Though Quinn quite literally loathed all peoples. The rest stops were far overdue and rushed, which only added to her fury. And now they weren't even stopping in little mid-towns along the way but directly in the woods. This drove Quinn mad as she'd have to disgrace herself by squatting by a bush to relieve herself and glance around in paranoia as she did so.

The wagon had stopped and she dropped down from the door per usual to find a secluded area to run to. She stooped by a tree and did what she needed before going to head back. She rounded the tree and was faced by a burly man, no sigil marked his tunic and a hatchet rested in a loop on his hip. Quinn backed up nervously and he gave a patchy-toothed grin as he advanced.

"Now what's a lil Lady like yourself doin' out here?" He asked in a gravelly voice that made her skin crawl, she looked past him but couldn't spot the carriage. Suddenly she was in a panic and her rash attitude surfaced in defense.

"That's none of your business now so I'd suggest you leave before I have my men slaughter you." She growled, hunching over slightly with her arms up by her sides in the fear he'd come onto her. He lurched forward his hands outstretched, giving a glance over her shoulder. She figured someone else was behind her and turned for a split second only to find out she had been fooled. The mugger grabbed hold of her upper arm and tossed her to the ground. Confused and overwhelmed she could only manage to crawl back some before he knelt over top of her, straddling her abdomen as he held her down.

"Get off me!" She howled as she began squirming in the dirt beneath him, her hands thrashing out and digging her nails into the side of his cheek. He grunted and leaned back holding his cheek as blood began to form in the cuts. In rage he slapped her hard across the cheek, one of her teeth catching on her lip in the impact and busting it open. Blood trickled onto her chin as she faced him again, seething at the fact he hit her and how powerless she was rendered. She kicked up below him to no avail and he tugged at her dress straps. A new fear flashed in her eyes, realizing he wasn't going to loot her.

"Ramsay!" She screamed out into the forest air as he ripped through the stitching on one shoulder. He scowled at her outburst and put and hand over her mouth, pinching her busted lip between his thumb to keep her preoccupied with pain. She cried underneath the large, calloused hand as she tried pulling her lip out of his grip but only hurting more. Soon her dress had been split into a v-neck and he was peeling it back to expose her breasts. She screamed through his fingers and her own blood as he groped her. She scrunched eyes closed as she tried to block out what was happening when he suddenly stopped. She opened her eyes to see him looking over her head as he removed himself from her in an instant. She was about to call out to Ramsay again when she heard someone moving behind her, she turned around as she sat up and saw Ramsay standing still as a water with a raised bow and arrow. He had a grin on like always but now, now he looked pure animal; his darkened eyes were trained on the mugger and his white teeth seemed almost sharp as they were lined up perfectly in a wide smile.

"That was my toy you were touching there. And I hate sharing you know..." He said cooly, almost playfully as he walked forward and past her. Her attacker backed up and began running away. He was several meters ahead and home free, which made Quinn furious. Was Ramsay just going let him get away? She finally got up and was about to kill him herself when Ramsay let the arrow fly. It found a home buried deep into the back of the man's head and Quinn hushed. The mugger fell forward dead and Ramsay turned to her with an excited smile. She regarded him with a newfound caution yet appreciation. She was about to thank him, run to him even when she noticed his eyes linger elsewhere before meeting hers again with a burning hunger. She remembered her chest was bare of her dress and her face lit on fire in embarrassment as she fumbled to replace the fabric over herself. She held the dress up and turned to walk back to the carriage as tears found her eyes again.

"You're not going to thank your savior?" Ramsay called out from behind her, sounding almost sincere. She had already stormed off half the distance back when she whipped around. Tears, dirt, and blood smeared across her face, leaves caught in her wild red hair, and dirty hands clasping the ripped cloth over her chest that slightly spilled out at the sides. She was an awful mess and stripped of her pride, but somehow seeing her like this turned him on greatly. He shifted awkwardly as he strained against his trousers. Thankfully, in her fit of rage she was only focused on glaring into his eyes with her poison.

"I was only spared from a low-blood monster, not the nearly identical bastard one." She spat with a level of wrath he had never before experienced beyond himself. All respect and second-long thoughts she held for him were lost entirely. She wheeled around and jumped into the carriage before anything more could be said. 

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