The start

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Opening my eyes there was no searing pain from the blinding light, seeing like a normal person, so I decided to move. Raising myself my verdict; it was ok and everything was right again. 


I nodded, so to try my voice, 'much' I managed.

He moved closer to me, 'im giving this to you and you will sleep again. Next time everything wont be such a shock, understood?'


The needle pricked my skin it became warm and it was dark.

I was on a cot, and there was a man with his back to me sitting in a chair. There was no telling how long he'd sat there or id been here. standing I walked over and waved my hand in front of his eyes. He yawned and blinked a few times before relization struck that I stood before him. 

'Gavin' he whispered while i waited for him to say something useful.

'you look well enough'

'I know im your most favorite person, now lets go.'

'Well we do need to fit you with your permenant gear.' he said doubtful if I was well enough to go check it out.

I didn't wait for him I had things to do ad places to be so I pushed past him. Billy caught up and hit the codes in the door by the time id gotten to it. But he messed up the second door and I busted through it with my fist and the dor opened.

'That works I guess.' Billy looked a little sad when the door screeched closed behind us.

'Gavin is ready for his gear' he called to his assistants.

They all ran over to him fitting him with his gear and handing him his clothes. After running into his new favorite people they had left him with nothing, not even a pair of pants. Leaving him in the desert he waved at thier dust trail and refused to give up with new determination.

He now walked the halls where he worked, his desquise, his new mission; to save the planet and defeat the very evil that had tried to kill him.

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