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31. What The Voices Tell Me (suspense/thriller)

"We've been a little bit crazy our whole lives." Kisa Guske lives in a world that should be black and white but for her and her alone is nothing but Grey. She's schizophrenic, or at least that's what's on her file, and has been seeing things and hearing things since she was about sixteen years old. The terrible truth is that she's seeing into the alternate realities that no one else is aware of. And in those realities there is something terribly wrong coming. Everyone has a version of themself in each of these different realities and sometimes the differences are slight. But Kisa's ability to see into the layers of reality has marked her and now someone or something is killing her off, out of ALL realities. Never aware of what is real and what is not, Kisa doesn't know how to save herself, those around her or even if the new doctor is a friend or a foe.

32. Thunder and Lightening (sci/fi)

Jenner is not the name you would find associated with the word hero in the encyclopedia of all knoweldge. She's the youngest of 13 kids, belonging to one of the few backwater planets that still allowed uncontrolled breeding. To escape the small town that was crushing her soul, she joined the Space Corps and became a soldier. Graduating from boot camp near the bottom of the group, she was easily overlooked, undertrained and abused by her more capable cohorts. Her first deployement is a clean up crew sent to escort the last of an ambassador species of aliens, she is expected to do nothing more than keep her eyes open for trouble and keep her mouth shut. When disaster strikes and the last of the Ambassadors lays dying, her superiors force Jenner into accepting the Psycokinetic transfer from the Ambassador to try and salvage the genetic memory of their species. She is a nobody and a nothing, no one would suspect that such a pathetic shell could house the knowledge to change the course of galactic history. But those that slaughtered the Ambassadors know that the knowledge is still out there and the entire crew of that failed recovery mission are being hunted down.

33. Death's Footsteps

Every mortal being knows to fear death, the cold touch of the Reaper. But there's one being that has to follow Death whereever he goes, but she always remains forgotten and overlooked. Fate is flamboyant and ostentatious but she has a little sister that has always held to her duties while her elder sister is fickle. The one always and ever overlooked and ignore is Serendipity. She is the one who makes sure that the souls of those about to die are where they are supposed to be, and after Fate and Death have had their fun, she comforts them by ensuring that they head off to their just rewards; be it torment or rest. So what happens when someone, somehow kidnapped Serendipity and throws oout of whack both Death and Fate.

34. Scrambling Through Ruins (sci fi)

The zombie apocalypse, long laughed at in Hollywood, came and hit hard. But not hard enough to end humanity. The cities, the metropolis, all of the great strides in cultural evolution were abandonded. The Zoms came to where there were people gathered together, gravitating to easy food. The military evacuated as many living as they could, then locked the cities down, trapping in survivors and Zoms alike.

Inside the Wall, there are small groups of survivors trying to eek out a living, abandoned and forgotten by the rest of the world. They know they were left to die and will gladly kill any 'Norms' that come into their territory. The Zoms are still rambling around, rotting slowly but staying juicy thanks to those survivors that don't succeed. Outside the Wall are Compounds of Survivors. Those that made it out and have come together for security. But as resources for one Compound run out, a couple of Scavs (scavengers) are sent out to slip into the forbidden city and come back with supplies, or not come back at all.

35. Alone in the Dark? (paranormal)

Serenity wasn't anything or anyone special and she liked it that way. She worked as a freelance writer, hoping to make it big like a certain JK. Her new home was nicer than she could ever have hoped to afford and that's because it holds a secret. Whenever she is home alone, she feels it, something in the dark watching her. Thinking it's her imagination, Seren goes on about her life, rescuing a neighborhood cat that has taken up residence under her porch and trying to figure out why it seems the shadows of her house had eyes. When food starts to go missing from the fridge and things in the apartment are moved around, she starts to wonder if she's walking in her sleep and sets up cameras to see what's going on while she's asleep. What she discovers is that she isn't all alone, and that the dark can be an interesting friend.

36. University Dusk

Camp Darkness Sequel:

There's murder at Dusk University. The Fury Gideon is in her last year when her classmates start turning up partially eaten. Neither the Fury nor her Loki lover Virgil are surprised when everyone starts to blame Gideon, but when she is repeatedly attacked by an unseen foe, it becomes very clear that something wicked this way came. Gideon's not the scariest thing on campus anymore, can a comination of luck and madness see Gideon through, or is this the time she can't BUMP back?

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2012 ⏰

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