Chapter ten: Getting a Backbone

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"No way, you're joking." I disbelieved. "You are really going to do it?"

"Yes," Floyd confirmed as he pushed me to the side. "You're the only who practically begged me to anyway."

During free period, Floyd and I were on the roof of a secluded part of campus staring out into the woods beyond. It was a spot only we were allowed on because of some technicalities Floyd's dad was able to work out with the principal allowing him to do whatever he wanted. On the roof was a little off section that was somewhat separate from the rest of the roof that had a great breeze.

"You know football like the back of your hand, they have to take you." I told him. Floyd was sitting crisscross while I was lying down on my back.

"Hope so," he shrugged looking out to the sky. "Hey could you go with me?"

"Sure, no problem," I noticed his nervous shiver. "You're athletic and you're better at the sport than anyone, trust me."

"So you came up with a way for us to get to that alpha?"

"I hate it when you guys bring that up, but maybe," I snorted. "Maybe we could set up a field trip."

"To Canada?"

"Hey I'm trying here," I protested. "Hey, where's Claire?"

"Probably found another guy," he scoffed. "Even after the Derrick event."


Lucas or Hunter was kind of lost wandering around the school during free period and saw Claire heading to a hidden door in between to walls that was out-of-the-way from the rest of school. He jogged up to get a better look and saw that the door said 'Storage', but when she opened it there was a set of stairs.

Once she was gone, Hunter followed behind and gave a look around before entering. He bounced up the stairs and realized it took him higher than the second floor, so he figured this was like a hidden passage to the roof. He opened the door at the end slowly to peek around.


"Oh, hey Claire," Floyd chanted. "I'm going to try out for the football team."

"Isaac told me about the way you could figure out a game before anything happens." she implied. "So how's our alpha hunt going?"

"That's just on everyone's mind, huh." I smirked. I smelled something off. I didn't mean to, but I sniffed the air and they looked at me like I was some dog on a trail.

"Isaac, are you ok?" Floyd asked getting closer.

I stood up and felt that the smell was coming from the door leading to the staircase. "Claire, you did you come with?"

"No one, no one saw me come either."

"Who's there?!" I called out. Then with my hearing, I hear a door click shut then footsteps scurrying away. I ran to the door with speed to try and catch the person. This person was fast. By the time I got to the door and opened it, I lost the strange scent. I stormed down the steps and busted through the door, looking around to see no one.


In seventh period, Adam and I didn't rip each other's head off, but we weren't talking either. This put a pause on my driving lessons, but at the moment I didn't care much. Though I was upset at Adam for lying for so long, my real wrath lies with Stephen for fooling Adam into thinking that he cared about Adam.

To Kill an Alpha - Book Two of the Crimson Hollows ChroniclesWhere stories live. Discover now