Chapter nine: Brotherly Love

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All the cards were on table and all the secrets have been dealt. And no one took it well. I locked myself in my room refusing to talk to anyone, Claire sat in hers rethinking the way she lives her life, and Hillary and Adam were extremely pissed at Claire and I.

Floyd didn't know what to do with himself. He was fifth wheeling the entire situation, so he just stayed at home trying to talk to any four of us from his couch after he got home. When he got no answer he strolled around his house then smelled something vaguely familiar.

The smell came from the section of the apartment where the rooms were. He got up from the couch and smelled that it was coming from his room.

"Why does it smell like...?" Floyd walked into his room to see Clyde and some of his friends holed up in the room smoking weed and snorting cocaine. "" It wasn't a question anymore when his answer was clear in front of him.

"Are you serious?!" Floyd finally had someone to yell at like the rest of us. "This is my, fucking, room!" he stomped in and pointed at the door. "Get the hell out of my room!" he ordered.

"Dude, chill," Clyde said in a super relaxed tone. "It's just pot, not the end of the world."

"What?!" Floyd exploded. "You're kidding."

"No, dude, try some." he offered completely unaware of Floyd irritated mood. "It's like super-"

Floyd came over and punched him in the face. "Out! Everyone!"

All of Clyde's buddies left a relaxed fashion despite the situation. Clyde got up and shoved Floyd into a wall.

"What the hell man?!" he yelled. Even though Floyd just caught him smoking pot in his room, what really pissed him off was the fact that Clyde didn't and still doesn't think he did anything wrong and was lost as to why Floyd is upset.

"This is why I hate you! This is why I with you would die instead of mom!" Floyd fumed as he shoved Clyde off of him. "I still wish you would die anyway!"

Clyde wasn't completely sure what Floyd's problem was, but that stung.

"Floyd, man, what's wrong?" Clyde asked not shoving back.

"Pot, in my room?!" Floyd threw his hands forward. "You know I don't do drugs and two days upon your arrival you're already hard at work!"

"I'm sorry; I won't smoke in your room..." Clyde said, lost.

"I hate you. I hate everything about you. You're such a worthless human being!" Floyd was downright on fire right now.

"Could you quit saying that?" Clyde begged. "Just because of some pot, bro?"

"Don't call me bro. And no not just because of some pot." Floyd didn't seem to want to calm down even after punching him. "All my life, you have never been a brother to me. Trying to get me to do drugs and get kicked out of every school I step foot in."

"I'm sorry for that, I never knew"

"You never do! I need a brother; you give me a pot brownie. I need a friend; a cigarette." Floyd got in his face. "I don't want to drown my problems in a beer when I'm fifteen, sorry to disappoint."

"Floyd, you never said anything like this when we lived together." he was actually getting depressed over this.

"Because I was terrified of you, especially when you were drunk. I feared you worse than any bully I could imagine."

To Kill an Alpha - Book Two of the Crimson Hollows ChroniclesWhere stories live. Discover now