Chapter seven: Trials

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"Lucas." Dr. Barnaby called over the intercom. Lucas bounced out of bed and stood up next to it.

"Yeah." he answered with his British accent. He was wearing a light grey sweat jacket with matching grey joggers and bare feet.

"Debrief room immediately." he ordered with the utmost authority. Lucas complied and marched off to the designated area. Lucas had already mapped the place in his head. It resembled a spider with one main section where meeting and debriefing occurs and then there are four rooms with various purposes on each side. There was an upstairs, but Lucas has never been allowed up there.

He jogged through one of the entry points and stood near the end of the table. Dr. Barnaby was on the other side with his hands behind his back.

"You said you wanted a real mission?" Dr. Barnaby had a way of stating questions making you wonder if it is a question or not. Lucas is used to this type of questioning and answers firmly.

"Yes, Doctor."

"Then hear you go." The doctor pushed his fingers onto the desk and the shiny silver gave way to a black screen which then had blue holographic squares and boxes filled with words appear. There were right in front of Lucas and he looked down to analyze them.

"I'm infiltrating...a high school?" Lucas questioned, but treaded his words carefully.

"Not as glamourous as smashing a Russian base, no, but it means this should be a simple task, which in turn, you will get more important ones."

"You wouldn't send me if this wasn't important." Lucas took another look at the info before him and glanced back at Dr. Barnaby. "What's the significance of 'Oak Meadow High School'?"

"There is a kid there, Isaac Locke, he seems to be a part of something bigger than he realizes. Because of his circumstances, he could be one of the most powerful conduits ever under our control."

Lucas felt that his position was threatened even though it's one of the more 'unique' ones.

"So you want me to...capture him?"

"No, that would be a grave mistake. The only way is if he comes willingly. Get close to him, become his friend. I'll contact you went I feel he's ready to come in."

"May I ask why he's this important?"

"No, don't screw this up either." He began to leave but stopped at the door with his hands still behind his back. He turned his head around, but moved nothing else. "You start at the beginning of the last quarter. So make sure you...pack your bags."


We were at another school game and like before and Floyd was cheering for the opposite team. This time it was the Titanium Turrets of Pergestine High School facing off against our Bronze Panthers. We clearly didn't care that much about alliteration.

We sat much closer to the field and I noticed Floyd was studying every detail of everything. The plays, tackles, interceptions to the point where I hear him predict the entire match.

"You really need to join the team, man." I yell over a roaring crowd when our team makes a decent play.

"No one would want me there," he admitted hanging his head down then resting it on his head. "Everyone hates me."

"Because you asked a girl out?" If this is how the world worked, why would anyone want to be a part of it?

"That's just how it started. People used it as an excuse to mess with me then over time they simply disliked me to the point where if they see my face they genuinely get upset."

To Kill an Alpha - Book Two of the Crimson Hollows ChroniclesWhere stories live. Discover now