Before: Chapter 11

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Its been so long that the guy I've asked out has said yes, we dated, I broke up with him, and I regret it kinda now since everyone is after him now with his hot self smh. Including some of my friends. Sigh. Anyways. Back to the story. Ur welcomes.

Going to the party, I sat next to Drew in the car, since Lin wanted to drive and Koa called shotgun. Throughout the drive, however, it wasn't even as bad as I thought it would be. Drew and I found out we had a lot in common and we were actually having a lot of fun talking to each other.

We made a lot of hilarious jokes to each other, mostly about Lin as she told us to stop with a smile on her face, and we had the same sort of childish personality so we were cracking each other up by acting like five year olds.

At one point, I was about to cry with laughter as I begged Drew to stop with his jokes. "You're actually about to kill me stoppp" I gasped out.

He wouldn't stop and I almost died so many times on the way to the party as a result.

In the middle of the ride, I looked at him and said "you're actually pretty chill, you know that? Here, my Instagram is ella_babe123. Follow me." (Actually my Instagram. Follow me loves)

My comment started a whole reaction where we added and followed each other on a lot of different things, getting each others numbers and just having fun the whole ride.

While Lin was driving, I noticed that she and Koa kept giving weird looks to the backseat of the car, but I didn't pay much attention to it.

Finally, once we arrived at the partyand Lin parked the car, our little backseat mini party was broken up and we had to go inside the house. Once inside, Koa and I separated from Lin and Drew. We went to get drinks while the two lovebirds started to dance together.

As I was walking to the drinks however, I felt someone slap my ass. I gasped and turned around to start cursing at whoever it was before I saw that it was someone who's been one of my best friends since as long as I can remember, Jeremy.

After some of the shock at seeing him wire off, I squealed and jumped onto his lap while hugging him excitedly. "Oh my goddd Jeremy, when'd u even come back from Paris??? And y didn't you tell me? You fucking cum dumpster oh my god, damn".

He had gone to Paris with his girlfriend Anne to surprise her for their one year anniversary. I used to have a crush on him so I used to be a little jealous of their relationship, mostly cause I wanted someone who'd take me to fucking Paris like he did, but now I can't even think of him that way anymore. I stopped with my jelousy really quickly because Chase asked me out a few weeks after Jermey was officially taken and that was that. He'll never be anything more than just my friend again. We're way too close and our friendship is way too important to me for me to mess it up over a little crush like that.

"I wanted to surprise you, love. I wanted to see your reaction to me coming back with my own eyes. So here I am...surprise" he exclaimed with a twinkle in his eyes.

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