Before: Chapter 8

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Conversation between boy and me today:
Me: What do you want?
Boy: Your virginity. *whispers*
Me: Whose to say I still have it? *Wiggles eyebrows*
Boy: *Gasps* *lols*

I still have it. But Boy is very much welcome to take it. lol. (this is a new boy that I've never talked about before here btw).



I stared in shock. The shock quickly turned to anger. Who was he to try to insult me like this?

"Hell to the fucking no. I don't know who you think you are but you don't know me at all." I paused. "Why are you trying to act like you do?"

"You're name is Roxy right? I might not know you but I know of you. I can tell exactly what kind of girl you are." He stared at me unflinchingly. "You're a slut, in all the ways that the word suggest. The only reason you're wearing sweatpants is probably because you know that you'll be taking it off soon. God knows you're not good for anything else. So please fuck off now and let me eat in peace."

I was still frozen and I didn't know why I couldn't say anything back to him. Maybe because I knew that he had a point.

Instead of trying to explain how something I might believe myself is wrong, I just turned on my heels and walked away.

I was in biology class now. The rest of  lunchtime after my talk with Drew became a blur because I knew that I shouldn't have, but I kept thinking of what he said.

I kept thinking about the possibility of me only being good enough for sex. I like to think of myself as smart. I actually want to be a lawyer later in life. I get good grades at school because I have a good memory, and I actually do pay attention most of the time.

Right now is a bad example of coarse, since I didn't hear a single thing the teacher was saying. Some things about the SA node, kidneys, nephron and a lot of other words that I don't understand at all.

That was when  felt a crumples up paper hit my back. I turned around to look at Koa, who was motioning for me to read it. It said that I looked confused and asked if I wanted to go over his house and study. I turned around, smiled, and gave a thumbs up. Koa is one of the smartest people I've ever known.  We really shouldn't be in the same class at all because of the fact that he's so much smarter than me but the only reason that he's not is because he barely pays attention in class and skips it a lot.

I looked back at the board where the very (hot) young teacher was drawing something that looks like a wiggly line. I completely stopped paying attention then because this was too much information and was fucking with my head.

The next class was math and English, both of which were very easy for me. Nothing happened much, except for the fact that Andrew was in my English class and tried to talk to me every chance he got, while I just continued to ignore him.

The bell rang and as I walked out of the English class to the hallway, I looked to see Lin and Drew standing by her locker, laughing about something. I narrowed my eyes and started to walk towards them.

"Hi." They both looked back at me, Lin smiling and Drew with a scowl on his face.

"Hi, Roxy!" Lin exclaimed, while Drew looked surprised at the reaction. "Sorry I didn't even introduce you two. Roxy this is Drew, Drew  this is Roxy, my best friend".

Now Drew looked surprised AND confused. "Your best friend?" As he looked at me, I nodded my head at him mockingly with a smirk on my face.

"Oh you didn't know Drew? And here I was thinking you knew every damn thing about me" I said with a sarcastic grin on my face. 

Some flash of emotion flew through Drew's eyes, too fast for me to catch it.

Lin then looked towards me and killed my smile by using just one sentence. "By the way, I hope its ok with you but I kind of invited Drew to Koa's house later so we can all study together."



Short chapter but eh all of my chapters are tbh. I have to go now to do 4 packets (2 biology, 2 English), a 4-page essay, work on a project, do geometry homework, algebra homework, do a biology research paper and study for biology since I understand nothing and have a test tomorrow.

Be happy and be kind to one another.

dedicated to MissFaye3 cause I liked the way she talked to me and got mad when I didn't update which made me happy that people actually care enough about my buttugly book to be mad when it doesn't get updated.

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