Before: Chapter 1

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"Mmmm". I sighed in content as I felt feathery kisses on my head. I giggled as they got to my neck and fingers started to trace on my stomach. "That feels so good."

The person didn't reply. Just continued to touch me in a soft way that was bringing a familiar feeling to my stomach.

I started to get curious and turned my body to face them. The sight of his amazing brown curls and bright green eyes brought a feeling of happiness through my chest, and with it a feeling of confusion. "How can this be? " I wondered, "You''re  supposed to be dead."

Chace finally opened his mouth and spoke, all with a tragic smile on his face, "I know Roxy. You killed me".


I shot up from the bed. Still breathing heavily, I tried to process that it was a dream. It was just a bad dream.

I brought a shaking hand to my face and as I the felt liquid, I also realized that I was crying. I looked in amazement.  I didn't know I still had so much more tears to use on this boy.

I quickly wiped it off and took deep breaths so that I wouldn't continue to cry. I couldn't continue to cry.

This can't happen again. If it does, I know I will lose more and more of my happiness every day. I will lose pieces of myself until I have no more to give.

I need to get over him. I can't spend any more time thinking about Chace or about any of the other people that were there that night. The night that I lost much more than just my innocence.

I looked around to find that I was actually in my room. At my own house. Which is probably why I had the nightmare. If I don't have someone holding me while I slept I tend to have bad dreams most of the time. While most kids ask their parents to hold them when this happens.....I'm one of those special ones who don't. Even when I was a small child, I was one of the ones who can't. 

I gave a sigh and racked my brain to try to remember what happened last night that made me end up like this. The only things I could remember was alcohol, music, and....Andrew?

Suddenly I began to remember other things like how yes, it was Andrew who was my boy toy from yesterday. We drank a lot of beer and wine at a party before making out and looking for a room before

I looked to the other side of my bed to make sure that he wasn't there and he wasn't. But, I found that there were two head imprint on my bed which means that he was here at some point.

I got up. "Andrew?" I called, not getting anything back. Then suddenly I fell on my face as I tripped over something in my way.

I was used to hearing grunts but as I realized that I wasn't the only one who made a sound of pain, I got scared. While most girls would take this as an opportunity to scream, I'm one of the weird ones.

Instead, I brought the thing that was closest to me (a dictionary) and smacked the person who was under me. "How you like that, bitch??? Tring to scare me at 6 o'clock in the morning, I DONT THINK SO!!!" And the whole while hitting the person on the face again....and again....and again before I finally realized that the voice of the person currently swearing at me  in pain seemed familiar.

I gave a gasp of surprise when I reached over and turned the person over and realized that it was Andrew. The person who I'm pretty sure I took home last night.


Author's note:                                                                                                                                                                             I would just like to say thank you for all the people who commented and voted for my story. Tbh, I love when people comment way more than if they even liked it or if they voted. I really like knowing what people thought of my writing and story. I love when people let me in their thoughts. So......JUST LET ME IN PEOPLE!!! WHAT DID YOU THINK???

I feel like this chapter was not as good as it could have been and people are going to stop reading the book cause of this. I really just wanted to update so readers have something to hold on to when they think of this story. I promise that I'll try to make this story better and to update.

Um also, I know the first two parts didn't have a lot of dialogue but seriously, I'm going to add more of that in future chapters so don't get turned off my story just yet. I know that I don't like it when the story that I'm reading doesn't have people talking to each other, so I feel kind of bad.

Pic of Chase. It's Harry Styles. *Sigh*. If you don't like that tho just pretend that he's someone else I guess.

I wanted to say something else too but I forgot. Goddamn I hate when that happens.

Anyways, I have like nothing else to say that I remember so...bye.

-Love, Elisa

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