Before: Chapter 3

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"Boners are when boys get excited usually at something sexual, like a naked girl, and their blood rushes to their penis. It turns from being a floppy little thing [*weird hand motion*] to being hard. Like math. Like girls nipples after they watch Magic Mike."- Me today at lunch.


I was currently at my house, playing video games by myself. Its the one thing that people can't really judge me for that I love doing. Unless.....of coarse, the person is someone who thinks that video games kill brain cells and also have a stick up their ass.

I, like you can probably guess, am not one of those people. I think of video games as something that can pass the time and I can get lost in.

Why don't I just quit sex and just play video games all day? Cause sex is fucking addicting. And not like video games addicting, its on a totally different level. Even if I tried I can't quit it...and I never had a reason to try.

The closeness that I get to share with people? The amazing way how it is never the same, no matter how many times you have it, especially when it's different people?

No, I'm not capable of just giving that up. One of the only things I can trust is that most boys act with their dicks. It doesn't raise the conflict of when someone might give me lies or false promises. That's not what sex is about.

Suddenly someone got behind me, a knife went through me and I fell, dead. In the video game that is. I was sad for a few seconds before I looked at the score and whooped when I saw that I had beaten the high score. I danced, jumped up and down and did a weird hand motion thing that looked like I was giving a hand job to the air.

That was until I heard a sound in the room with me. I hadn't heard anyone come in so it was a surprise when I heard a voice.

"What are you doing in my room?"

The voice was cool and collected, which didn't stop me from making a noise of surprise. "Welp!!" and with a sound that sounds more like a dog than a real human being, I fell for the second time today.

When I looked, I saw that the voice belonged to my brother, Bobby. He was looking at me with a scowl on his face even though I could see a hint of a smile in his face that he was desperately trying to hide. Wouldn't want me to think that he cares about me falling at all.

"I...I...I was j-just trying to play with your video games. You know how mom and dad won't buy me my own." I answered hesitanly, softly, in a way that made me wish that I culd be strong and just demand that we actually talk about our problems.

Too bad I could never seem to be that strong person.

"Do I look like I care about your problems? Get out of my room." By this time, the smile was completely gone. He didn't even say it meanly. He said it matter of fact, as if he couldn't believe that I would think that he cares even the slightest about my happiness. It would have been better if he said it with at least a little emotion.

"Ok. Ok. I'll leave" I walked to his door. I paused just before the last step to say, "sorry."

Just when I was about to turn to go into my room, I heard a word. A word full of hope made me almost fly with happiness. "Wait."

It was amazing how fast my head turned and my smile went back into place. "Yeah?" I asked hopefully.

He didn't smile back, which should have raised warning bells, but I was too high on the fact that we could finally have our relationship back that I didn't notice. And when he opened his mouth to say-  "Don't you ever go into my room again", I still broke.

And that, that was another reason why I couldn't pick video games over sex.


I actually met the deadline. Put your hands in the air.


That was too short, too little, too not edited. I literrarly write my updates and then I publish them right after. I almost didn't even write this lol.

I just had finals on Monday and Tuesday and 2 projects due today, (the day after finals) and now I have a paper to write and another project to do and other homework too, so everyone be happy.

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