Chapter 15

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We stepped through the portal I made in a hurry. Something had happened in the kingdom of the sun.

We arrived at a hall that was decorated with white Lilja and red roses. The walls, floors, and roof were made out of sandstone, and there were pretty engravings on the stone. The sun was shining brightly.

As soon as we arrived, a boy probably about my age or a little older ran to us. His face was nervous, but you could see that it was pretty handsome.

He had blond hair and blue eyes, just like Andreu, but his features were more feminine. "Brother! I'm so glad you got safely back from earth but how, the sun disappeared right."

So he was Andreu's brother, which explains why they look so similar. "I was lucky that Emilia was with me. She opened the portal." Andreu explained fastly and gestured towards me.

Andreu's brother turned to look at me, and his face went pale, and he suddenly bowed in front of me.

"Excuse my rudeness, your highness. I ignored you. My name is Allen La Shóne. I'm the second prince of the kingdom of the sun." He just stayed there bowing, and it started to get a little awkward.

"Please raise your head and tell us what's happening." He raised his head, and his face went glum. "Father has collapsed." I could feel Andreu's body shaking next to mine.

In the perspective of Andreu

"Father collapsed? What happened? His health was supposed to be recovering." Allen just shook his head. "We don't know why. It just happened. We were asked to go to the conference room."

Allen seemed so sad, and so was I. "Asked? By who?" Allen raised his head. "By Williams. He said he has something to tell us." I nodded and wondered what Williams has to tell us.

I was so worried and anxious, but then I felt a small hand trying to tangle with mine. I looked towards Emilia that was standing next to me. She looked distraught.

I guess she is trying to calm me down, and it does help. Having her hand on mine. She didn't say anything. She just quietly held my hand as we followed Allen.

We arrived at the conference room. She was standing right by my side and made me feel so much calmer.

Allen looked towards us, looking really curious but didn't ask anything. We went to the conference room where Williams was waiting for us.

He raised his head to look at us, and some sort of displeasing was aimed towards me, Emilia, and the arcade prizes we were holding.

"Andreu. I was wondering why you canceled that meeting but to go on a date. Are you out of your mind? Also, why are you bringing that girl home and to an important talk like this? Some country pumpkin."

I heard a vein pop in my head. I glared at him, and he shivered under my eyes.

"That is stepping over the line Williams. You are talking about the princess Emilia La Trúce right now. She has the right to stay here as the balance of the universe is at stake."

His face went pale, and the air went bad. Emilia inhaled and stepped forward, letting her hand slip out of mine. It suddenly felt really empty.

"I apologize if my invitation to have Andreu observe the judging I held caused you troubles, but he was simply fulfilling his duties as my protector."

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