Chapter 6

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I was left standing alone in front of the orphanage. Wow, well, I guess he was telling the truth. I thought, even though I felt really skeptical about everything. I hadn't even had time to really think about it, but I considered myself strong, and I believe I can get through everything.

I went inside. As I was walking past the kitchen, I heard the headmistress say my name. "That Emilia, what does she think she can get by going to high school." She was talking to herself. "She should work for me. I need those unusual looks of hers. What else would bring me, customers? I should lock her up. Yeah, I should." She sounded insane and continued blabbering nonsense after I backed away from the door and quietly went into my room.

I won't be locked up. No way. I took my backpack and put my clothes in it and my books and the money I had at home. I closed the backpack and touched my necklace. Should I try it?

Well, I have no other place to go to. I looked behind me and said. "There is no going back now. From now on, I am  Emilia La Trucé, not Shinomiya but La Trucé." I took the pendant and raised it.

When I thought about my name and my country, words run through my head, and I spelled them out loud. "By the power, I have as a member of La Trucé. I open the gate to my home to the kingdom of truth and balance."

When I talked, warmth ran through my body, and it appeared a silver-colored portal.

I looked at my room for the one last time, smiled towards the old yellow curtains and the wooden floor, small desk, and a simple bed, and walked into the porta,l leaving my past behind.    

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