Chapter 7

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Going through the portal was a weird sensation. Immediately after stepping into the portal, I could feel my foot touching something that felt like grass.

I inhaled and plunged myself through. I felt the portal closing behind me, but I didn't have time to concentrate on that.

In front of me was the prettiest sight I have ever seen. I was standing at the edge of a forest, and I could hear quiet animal voices from there. In front of me opened a view of a castle, a gorgeous one.

There was a white stone wall around it, and the castle itself was made out of white stones and glass. There were towers at almost every corner, and it truly looked like a fairytale castle.

Surrounding the castle was a town full of modern looking white houses. The hill that the castle and the town were on was full of flowers.

I could only stare at it in awe. Is it fine to go there? Now that I think about it, I didn't tell anyone that I was coming. I should look around the town, I guess, and maybe find someone to ask for information from.

I looked at my clothes and thought these wouldn't do. I should cover my face with something, and the perfect piece of clothing came to my mind.

I took my backpack and took out my cloak thingy. I don't really know what to call it. It's too short to be a cloak, but it has a hood, so I don't really care. Maybe I call it a hood. It's colored brown, and it has a fluffy interior. I put it on top of my white one piece and headed towards the town.

The town was pretty. The houses were white and modern. There were flowers everywhere.

There were people here and there, but in general, it was tranquil. I walked past a house, and I saw inside of it through the window.

There was a family of four members sitting quietly in front of a picture frame, and in that frame was a picture of a couple holding a baby. The woman had blue eyes and white hair, the man had green eyes, blonde hair and a little bit of beard they seemed really familiar and kind, the baby was small and on its neck was a necklace.

The necklace was completely identical to mine. I stared at the picture, and the pieces clicked to their places inside my head, making me gasp out loud. "Is that picture about my parents and me?"

The family turned to look at me when I spoke. Their eyes widened in disbelief, and the mother of the family spoke towards me.

"Are you princess Emilia? Are you really princess Emilia?" I looked at them. I am busted already, so I raised my hands and pulled the hood down, completely showing my face, and she, along with his husband, gasped, raising their hands to their mouths.

I felt awkward and said. "I know it's probably hard to believe that even I learned about it only today." I continued blabbering on, but the woman had stood up and walked to me, and suddenly she was hugging me saying. "Welcome back, princess. Welcome back."

The woman was almost crying, and I smiled at her kindly and said. "Thank you. Could I come in? I have so many questions I would like to ask." The woman smiled through her crying and said. "It would be our pleasure, princess."

The woman let me inside her house, and I asked for her name. "It's Rose, my princess." She answered. I was feeling a little awkward being called the princess. "Please, Rose, call me Emilia. I'm not used to being called the princess-like I said, I only learned about all of this today." Rose looked at me, surprised, and replied. "If that is what the princess wants, then alright." I smiled and thanked her. She asked me to sit down and hoped that she would be able to answer my questions.

I smiled, thinking about how kind she was, and that reminded me of Mayumi. I didn't tell her I was leaving.

No, I have to pull myself together. I promised myself that I would start over with a new life. I smiled melancholically and started asking questions that I thought they might have answers to.

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