Chapter 2

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In the perspective of Andreu

I gasped and opened my eyes, waking up from my sleep. I had felt it. Stronger than ever. My face split into a smile. "I told them. I told them they wouldn't have sacrificed their daughter. I told them they would save her even if it meant abandoning her. She is alive. I can feel her heartbeat. Just wait for me. I'll find you, Emilia.

In the perspective of Emilia

I woke up to the loud alarm clock that I had set, unlike usually for Saturday morning and the reason for this is the conversation I had with the headmistress yesterday.

I don't enjoy a weekend shift, but I find myself doing them way too often.

I sigh and stand up from my bed. I went to my closet and took out a simple gray skirt and a white frilly shirt I had bought with some extra money.

I tied my hair back with a blue ribbon and put the necklace I had gotten from my parents to my neck and smiled to the mirror before I left downstairs for breakfast.

Thankfully, because the clock was only seven, nobody else was yet there eating, so I got to enjoy breakfast by myself, which was toast and eggs.

I finished before anyone else came to eat and quietly left the house.

The house has three floors, and my room is on the third floor, and the kitchen is on the first.

I am the only one who has her own room, and others share with at least one other person. Apparently, they didn't want to share with a weirdo like me, but I am glad that I got my own room. I can concentrate on studying.

As I was thinking of how hot the summer was and walking down the street, I arrived in front of the cafe called Starlight, one of my workplaces.

The hall of the cafe has a night view and starlight as a theme. The biggest wall had a painting of a night view on it. The other walls were painted dark blue. The tables were black and simple with cozy chairs. The hall was lighted with small "stars" that were embedded in the ceiling.         

I stepped into the cafe and got a warm welcome from the regular customers. "Emilia-chan! We missed you. You weren't here yesterday."

They were complaining to me. Like I can't work every day. I calmed myself down, thinking that They are important customers, and said. "Sorry, sorry. I was studying for my entrance exams." And smiled at them and walked to the backroom.

The backroom is simple to place with a closet for every worker and a small resting place for breaks. I changed my clothes to a working outfit, fixed my hair, grabbed the tray and the notebook, and headed to the hall.

When I was heading to the hall, I was stopped by my supervisor Hanasaki Mayumi.

She is an absolutely kind thirty-year-old woman with a stunning face and body. She looked surprised when She saw me and asked.

"Emilia, honey. What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be home studying for your exams? Those are important, you know." I looked at her and said. "Yeah, I wasn't supposed to come today, but headmistress flipped cuz I didn't come here yesterday."

She looked furious when she answered. "That old hag. You didn't have a shift yesterday. She is exploiting you. She knows that all of our regulars are here to see you, so she is overworking you. It's not like the others work as much as you do anyway." I smiled awkwardly and said. "It's not like that. I will go to the hall now." After I said that, I left the back room and entered the hall.

I was in the hall taking orders when I heard the bell on the door ring. I turned towards the door.

"Welcome to the Starlight Cafe. Sit anywhere you would like, and I will come to take your order in just a moment."

Standing in the doorway was a foreigner looking, man. He had semi-long golden yellow hair and blue eyes. His features were masculine, and he was tall and definitely handsome. He was wearing jeans and a t-shirt. He looked at me for a moment. Something sparked in his eyes, and he headed to an empty seat at the corner of the cafe.

I took the other orders to the kitchen, and I went to take the stranger's order. I walked next to his table, opened my notebook, took my pen out, and offered the man's menu.

"Here is the menu, Sir. Our season special is the summer parfait, and to go with it, we recommend the cooling strawberry ice coffee."

He raised his fingers to his cheek, smiled warmly, and said. "If that is what the lady recommends as a gentleman, I can't say no. I'll take the season special with the drink, please."

I wrote it to my notebook and looked at him curiously. He spoke Japanese, that is a surprise.

His voice was also pretty. If sunlight had a sound, it would be his voice.

Wait, what am I thinking. I fastly smiled at him and said. "Well then, I will go to give your order to the kitchen if you would wait a moment."

As I was leaving, he fastly asked me. "Can I ask for the lady's name? My name is Andreu La Shoné." I looked surprised for a moment.

"La Shoné? That is one unusual last name. You aren't from around here, are you? Your Japanese is great tho. Ah, my name is Shinomiya Emilia, and with that, I will go now to take your order." I raised the notebook awkwardly and left without giving him a chance to answer.   

I went to the kitchen and sighed. "That was embarrassing." I gave the order to Yuuji, our kitchen worker.

"What was it embarrassing?" I suddenly heard from behind me, and it startled me. I swore and said. "Please don't do that, Mayumi-san." She laughed and gave me a tray with the previous orders and said. "Sure, sure. Would you take these." "Ah, yes, I'll take them." I took the tray and returned to the hall. 

I felt it. He is staring at me. I was walking around the hall, giving people their orders, and his eyes followed me everywhere.

I finished giving people their food and left to get his order. I went to the kitchen, took his parfait and ice coffee, and returned to the hall.

I went to his table and put his parfait and ice coffee to the table, I said. "Thank you for waiting, sir.  Here is your order. Summer parfait and strawberry ice coffee, please enjoy your stay." After I said that I left the table, he didn't stop me.

I worked behind the scenes for a while, but he was gone when I returned to the hall.

The money was on the table along with a note that said.

"Miss Emilia. You are an orphan, right. You were left in front of the Shinomiya orphanage with only a necklace with a scale in it and a note that had the name Emilia in it. If this is true in your case, please meet me tomorrow morning at 8 o'clock in front of  Tokyo Tower. I can tell you about your parents and your past. Andreu La Shoné."

I stared at the note. How did he know? How did he know I am an orphan or about the necklace. My head was filled with questions, but the biggest one was, "Should I go meet him?" I said it out loud. I finished my shift, head in the clouds, wondering what I Should do.    

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